Deadline Aware AI Training Job Scheduler for Heterogenious cluster

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Deadline Aware AI Training Job Scheduler for Heterogenious cluster



The scheduler must be run at SIST's AI Cluster, with partition critical.

How to use

  1. cd slurm-cli
  2. init the database by python jobs.py and see 数据库创建成功
  3. python slurm-cli.py -i <path of slurm script>


Monitor should be always running

python monitor.py


slurm method

  1. cd slurm-cli
  2. python eva_base.py

dash method

  1. cd slurm-cli
  2. python eva_dash.py

Pay attention to the hard coded path in the above two files

All prerequies are sbatch files in test_generator


  1. if I see Lock! when execute:
    • delete slurm-cli/database.lock
    • It will happen if exit in accident


Certainly, you may meet problems, including not have priviliage for AI cluster, cannot run pytorch bench mark, path missing. Should you trouble with these error, contact qinfr@@shanghaitech.edu.cn.