
☄️ AsteroidRadar tracks Near Earth Objects using NASA's NeoWs API

Primary LanguageKotlin


AsteroidRadar is an app to view a list of asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth, you can view all the detected asteroids in a period of time, their data (Size, velocity, distance to Earth) and whether or not they are potentially hazardous.


  • Single-activity architecture with Navigation component to manage fragment transitions and operations.
  • Room implementation with LiveData, TypeConverters for date and Transformations
  • Periodic caching and cleaning data in the background using WorkManager
  • Reactive UIs with encapsulated LiveData and Data Binding
  • Retrofit, Moshi and Coroutines
  • Notifications



  • Add the NASA API Key NASA_API_KEY="ADD_KEY_HERE" in local.properties, in the root of the project.

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Credits and Attributions