Status: Basic functionallity done. Task: Automate creation of an component Description: Create a node executable to automate the creation proccess
1- Create a folder inside the components folder containing the component file with React arrow function and a .css file.
2 - Create a 'dumb' index.js just to mirror the real react file. Just for looking better in text editors when alot 'index.js' files are open.
3 - (Optional, for future) - Customizable Component: sass, hooks etc...
Task: Create a custom placeholder like gmail login. Status: Done!
1 - Create a wrapper with position relative and put the input field and the placeholder element
2 - Placeholder element must have absolute positon and the left and bottom position need to be adjusted to fit inside the input field
3 - When focus occur on input field: The placeholder active an animation that use transform/translateY/scale to adjust the position of the placeholder.
4 - if the value of input as length greater than 0. the placeholder will be fixed on top of input field
5 - To achive this state i've used React.useRef and useState to create some logic behind it.