Sample examples of how to call collective operation functions on multi-GPU environments. A simple example of using broadcast, reduce, allGather, reduceScatter and sendRecv operations.
- arshoPhD(CS) Student at UIC
- AtilaSaraivaUniversity of Alberta
- beimingxinghaiChina
- bigwaterHKUST (Guangzhou)
- ce107
- dbcSep03
- iqianchengLLMs, AIGC, DeepRec, AI Fintech
- jundaf2
- KeyBorHunan University of Technology and Business
- Lineark
- linuxlonelyeagleXi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications
- mazispider
- peak-gf
- pmgao
- rajagondMicrosoft Research India
- toromuu
- Twilight-ShuxinChina, Hunan
- vitoravelanedaRio Grande, RS, Brasil.
- whutbd
- youth123
- zhangjunBeijing
- ZhangXin8069