Custom Langkit Container

Sample project that demonstrates how to build a custom container based on Langkit that performs prompt/response validation and profiling with WhyLabs.


Make sure you have poetry and docker installed. If you want to use your own model id in this demo then make sure to update whylogs_config/config.yaml with your model id.

# If you're just running through the demo, you don't need the dev dependencies
poetry install --without-dev --no-root


Build the docker container by using make. This will create a container tagged custom-llm-container.



make run

With a local.env file with your WhyLabs credentials.

# Generated at

# Set based on your model type in WhyLabs. Daily is the default.

# Upload profiles every five minutes

Making Requests

When the container is running, visit http://localhost:8000/docs (if you're running locally) for endpoint documentation and request snippets. The llm validate endpoint is the one you probably want to use.

Here are some sample requests that will trigger the validation rules that the container is configured for. Requests will have a 200 response code when no validation are triggered, and a 400 when at least one is triggered. The response is a report of failed validations like the following.

  "failures": [
      "prompt_id": "0085d3ff-8482-4e08-8e16-16dab8d5a2d1",
      "validator_name": "textstat_validator",
      "failed_metric": "textstat_prompt",
      "value": "201",
      "timestamp": null,
      "is_valid": false

Response Toxicity

curl -X 'POST'     -H "X-API-Key: password"     -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"     'http://localhost:8000/validate/llm'     --data-raw '{
    "datasetId": "model-124",
    "prompt": "Hi there!",
    "response": "Thats a stupid prompt."

Prompt Toxicity

curl -X 'POST'     -H "X-API-Key: password"     -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"     'http://localhost:8000/validate/llm'     --data-raw '{
    "datasetId": "model-124",
    "prompt": "This chat sucks.",
    "response": "Im sorry you feel that way."

Character Count Exceeded

curl -X 'POST'     -H "X-API-Key: password"     -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"     'http://localhost:8000/validate/llm'     --data-raw '{
    "datasetId": "model-124",
    "prompt": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
    "response": "Im sorry you feel that way."