
GoCube BLE Protocol Documentation

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GoCube BLE Protocol Documentation

GoCube is a bluetooth enabled Rubik's cube. This document contains a partial description of the GoCube BLE protocol.


Setup communication:

  • Scan for BLE devices that supports the Primary Service
  • Connect to the primary service
  • Enable notifications for the TX characteristic service

The following notifications are sent without requests:

  • 3D tracking: 15 notifications per second (MsgOrientation). These notifications can be disabled or enabled
  • Rotations: one message each time a face is rotated (MsgRotation)

The following notifications can be requested:

  • Current battery level (MsgBattery)
  • Current state (MsgState)
  • Offline stats (MsgStats)
  • Cube type (MsgCubeType)

Additional requests:

  • Reboot
  • Toggle backlight
  • Calibrate 3D tracking
  • Reset cube to solved state

GATT Services

Service Properties UUID
Primary Service 6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e
RX Characterstic W, WNR 6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e
TX Characterstic N 6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e


Requests supported by the RX Characterstic service.

Request messages

Enable or disable MsgOrientation (3D tracking):

Value Command
0x37 DisableOrientation
0x38 EnableOrientation

Request additional information from the cube:

Value Command Message Type
0x32 GetBattery MsgBattery
0x33 GetState MsgState
0x39 GetStats MsgStats
0x56 GetCubeType MsgCubeType


Value Command Description
0x34 Reboot Reboot the cube
0x35 SetSolvedState Resets the cube to solved state
0x41 LedFlash Flash the backlight three times
0x42 LedToogleAnimation Enable or disable animated backlight
0x43 LedFlashSlow Slowly flashes the backlight three times
0x44 LedToggle Toggle backlight
0x57 CalibrateOrientation Calibrate 3D tracking


This section describes the format of the notifications.

Common Message Format

Byte Offset Length (Bytes) Name Description
0 1 Prefix Fixed value: 0x2A (*)
1 1 Length Length excluding Suffix
2 1 Type Message Type
3 Length-4 Message Message
Length-1 1 Checksum Sum of byte 0 .. (Length-2) % 0x100
Length 2 Suffix Fixed value: [0x0D, 0x0A] (CRLF)


Byte Offset Value Description
0 0x2A Prefix: asterisk (*)
1 0x05 Length: 5 bytes
2 0x05 Message Type: MsgBattery
3 0x38 Message: Battery level: 56%
4 0x6C Checksum: (0x2A + 0x05 + 0x05 + 0x38) % 0x100
5 0x0D Suffix: CR
6 0x0A Suffix: LF

Message Types

Type Name
0x01 MsgRotation
0x02 MsgState
0x03 MsgOrientation
0x05 MsgBattery
0x07 MsgOffLineStats
0x08 MsgCubeType

Message Type 0x01: MsgRotation

Message Length: n * 2 bytes (Length - 4) (n = number of rotations)

Message Offset Length (Bytes) Name Description
n 1 FaceRotation Face and rotation
n + 1 1 Orientation Center piece orientation
FaceRotation Binary Value Color Rotation
0x00 0000 0000 Blue Clockwise
0x01 0000 0001 Blue Counterclockwise
0x02 0000 0010 Green Clockwise
0x03 0000 0011 Green Counterclockwise
0x04 0000 0100 White Clockwise
0x05 0000 0101 White Counterclockwise
0x06 0000 0110 Yellow Clockwise
0x07 0000 0111 Yellow Counterclockwise
0x08 0000 1000 Red Clockwise
0x09 0000 1001 Red Counterclockwise
0x0A 0000 1010 Orange Clockwise
0x0B 0000 1011 Orange Counterclockwise
Orientation Description
0x00 Twelve o'clock
0x03 Three o'clock
0x06 Six o'clock
0x09 Nine o'clock


Prerequisite: Yellow side facing up, green side facing you

Notation FaceRotation Orientation Description
F 0x02 0x09 Green face clockwise rotation, center piece orientation nine o'clock
R 0x0A 0x00 Orange face clockwise rotation, center piece orientation twelve o'clock
U 0x06 0x09 Yellow face clockwise rotation, center piece orientation nine o'clock
L 0x08 0x00 Red face clockwise rotation, center piece orientation twelve o'clock
B 0x00 0x06 Blue face clockwise rotation, center piece orientation six o'clock
D 0x04 0x00 Yellow face clockwise rotation, center piece orientation twelve o'clock
F' 0x03 0x06 Green face counterclockwise rotation, center piece orientation six o'clock
R' 0x0B 0x09 Orange face counterclockwise rotation, center piece orientation nine o'clock
U' 0x07 0x06 Yellow face counterclockwise rotation, center piece orientation six o'clock
L' 0x09 0x09 Red face counterclockwise rotation, center piece orientation nine o'clock
B' 0x01 0x03 Blue face counterclockwise rotation, center piece orientation three o'clock
D' 0x05 0x09 Yellow face counterclockwise rotation, center piece orientation nine o'clock

Message Type 0x02: MsgState

Message Length: 60 bytes (Length - 4)

Message Offset Length (Bytes) Name Description
0 1 BlueCenter Constant value: 0x00 (blue)
1 8 BlueFace The colors visable on the blue face, starting top left going clockwise
9 1 GreenCenter Constant value: 0x01 (green)
10 8 GreenFace The colors visable on the green face, starting top left going clockwise
18 1 WhiteCenter Constant value: 0x02 (white)
19 8 WhiteFace The colors visable on the white face, starting top left going clockwise
27 1 YellowCenter Constant value: 0x03 (yellow)
28 8 YellowFace The colors visable on the yellow face, starting top left going clockwise
36 1 RedCenter Constant value: 0x04 (red)
37 8 RedFace The colors visable on the red face, starting top left going clockwise
45 1 OrangeCenter Constant value: 0x05 (orange)
46 8 OrangeFace The colors visable on the orange face, starting top left going clockwise
54 6 Orientation Orientation for each center piece: 0, 3, 6 or 9 o'clock
Value Color
0x00 Blue
0x01 Green
0x02 White
0x03 Yellow
0x04 Red
0x05 Orange

Message offset map:

White Face
Green FaceRed FaceBlue FaceOrange Face
101112 373839 123 464748
17913 443640 804 534549
161514 434241 765 525150
Yellow Face

Example message, hex values:

BlueCenter + BlueFace GreenCenter + GreenFace WhiteCenter + WhiteFace YellowCenter + YellowFace RedCenter + RedFace OrangeCenter + OrangeFace Orientation
00-02-05-00-04-00-05-05-05 01-03-03-05-04-02-05-05-00 02-04-02-03-02-04-04-01-01 03-01-04-03-01-05-01-02-03 04-03-03-00-00-00-01-04-02 05-04-00-01-03-01-02-02-00 03-00-03-03-06-00
White Face
Green FaceRed FaceBlue FaceOrange Face
Yellow Face

Message Type 0x03: MsgOrientation

Message Length: variable

Current orientation of the cube, reported as a quaternion. Numeric values represented as ascii strings. Used for 3D tracking.

Format: x#y#z#w


x delimeter y delimeter z delimeter w
0x39 0x31 0x37 0x35 0x23 0x33 0x34 0x36 0x23 0x2D 0x31 0x33 0x35 0x32 0x38 0x23 0x2D 0x34 0x35 0x39
9175 # 346 # -13528 # -459

Message Type 0x05: MsgBattery

Message Length: 1 byte (Length - 4)

Message Offset Length (Bytes) Name Description
0 1 BatteryLevel

Current battery level percentage
Range: 0x00 - 0x64 (0 - 100)


Byte Offset Value Description
0 0x2A Prefix: asterisk (*)
1 0x05 Length: 5 bytes
2 0x05 Message Type: MsgBattery
3 0x38 Message: Battery level: 56%
4 0x6C Checksum: (0x2A + 0x05 + 0x05 + 0x38) % 0x100
5 0x0D Suffix: CR
6 0x0A Suffix: LF

Message Type 0x07: MsgOffLineStats

Message Length: variable (Length - 4)

Format: moves#time#solves

Message Type 0x08: MsgCubeType

Message Length: 1 byte (Length - 4)

Message Offset Length (Bytes) Name Description
0 1 CubeType

0x00: Non edge cube
0x01: Edge cube


Byte Offset Value Description
0 0x2A Prefix: asterisk (*)
1 0x05 Length: 5 bytes
2 0x08 Message Type: MsgCubeType
3 0x01 Message: Edge cube
4 0x38 Checksum: (0x2A + 0x05 + 0x08 + 0x01) % 0x100
5 0x0D Suffix: CR
6 0x0A Suffix: LF