
A kaggle dataset analysis SU IST 652 Python

Boardgames R Project

This project analyzes book ratings using R. The analysis focuses on:

  • Publisher factorization based on similarity using text analysis.
  • Analyzing authors, publishers, and books based on various criteria such as page count, rating, and review count.

How to Run

To run this project, open the R/final_project_code.Rmd file in RStudio, and click "Knit" to generate the output.

The required libraries for the project are listed at the beginning of the RMarkdown file. You may need to install them before running the project.

Required Libraries

  • stringdist
  • plotly
  • stringr
  • forcats
  • ggplot2
  • quanteda
  • tidyverse
  • readr
  • dplyr
  • neuralnet
  • e1071


The dataset used for this analysis is not included in the repository. Please upload your own books.csv file in the data/ directory.