##Why ###Why would you want to use MongoDB?
noSQL database so prevents SQL injections
Easy to scale
Can handle diverse data types - the fields of the data do not need to be predefined as with SQL
JSON-like data structure - MongoDB documents map to object-orientated programming languages
Lots of official drivers in various languages
Tolerant of incomplete information
Provides atomic operations on a single document
Disadvantages of MongoDB
Poor query performance due to unstructured storage
No standard query syntax
Cannot perform multi-document transactions
Cannot support SQL joins (searching by comparing two tables)
What application areas is it suitable for?
Content Management
MongoDB can incorporate any type of data (tweets, photos, videos etc)
Internet of Things
New sensors are constantly created, meaning new data; MongoDB makes it easy to incorporate new data and iterate on your data model.
Robust authentication, authorisation, auditing and encryption controls protect valuable sensor data and the analytics delivered from it.
Who else is using it?
Forbes - custom CMS
##What ###What kind of Database is MongoDB?
- SQL to MongoDB comparison (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/sql-comparison/)
- What databases is it similar to?
- Redis
- CouchDB
##How ####Data is being stored in Binary JSON (BSON): MongoDB represents JSON documents in binary-encoded format called BSON behind the scenes. BSON extends the JSON model to provide additional data types() and to be efficient for encoding and decoding within different languages.
####JSON Data Types BSON Data Types
- Number Double
- String String
- Boolean Object
- Array Array
- Value Binary data
- Object Undefined
- Whitespace Object id
- null Boolean
- Date
- Null
- Regular Expression
- JavaScript
- Symbol
- JavaScript (with scope)
- 32-bit integer
- Timestamp
- 64-bit integer
- Min key
- Max key
###Setting up MongoDB
- Install MongoDB using brew
brew update
brew install mongodb
//If there is an error, open a new terminal window and use sudo (sorry Nelson)://
sudo mkdir <username> <path causing the error>
sudo chown -R <username> <path causing the error>
- Install the MongoDB recommended NPM module for Node.js node-mongodb-native
//create a folder for your project and cd into it
npm install mongdb
npm init
//this creates a package.json file. Add "mongodb": "~2.0" as dependancy
npm install
- Create a folder in your project for the data
mkdir data
- Start the MongoDB server
mongod --dbpath=./data --port 27017
- Follow the rest of the instructions (from 'Connecting to MongoDB') on the github repo for the node-mongodb-native module. This will take you through the various CRUD operations possible with MongoDB.