
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Adyen

A React Native module to handle interfacing with the Adyen iOS and Android Drop-In SDKs, written in Typescript, Swift and Kotlin.


Adyen is a platform for accepting payments, using a variety of methods (like Credit Cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.). They have provided SDKs for Android and iOS.

This library attempts to provide a simple API for React Native that presents the Drop-In component.

Getting Started


Android min Version: 28 // TODO comfirm

iOS min Version: 12.0


Add this project as a dependency to your React Native project

With Yarn

yarn add @murrple_1/react-native-adyen

With NPM

npm install --save @murrple_1/react-native-adyen


Add to your UIApplicationDelegate:

import Adyen

// ...snip...

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
  RedirectComponent.applicationDidOpen(from: url)
  return true

Executing program

The library exports only 2 functions:

async function startPayment(options: StartPaymentOptions): Promise<string>;


async function _getPaymentMethodsJsonStr(
  options: _GetPaymentMethodsJsonStrOptions,
): Promise<string>;


  • Making a note here (though I'm not sure if it is a common problem)...

Make sure your Android styles.xml has a theme like:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.DarkActionBar">


Version History

// TODO we haven't yet release a usable version, please consider any releases ALPHA for now


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Many inspirations from mkharibalaji/react-native-adyen-payment. Honestly, this project wouldn't have been started if that project a) supported Typescript, b) was more easily buildable for development in my environment