
A basic responsive (mobile first even) menu for a deli.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mainly an intellectual exercise (but hey, could be useful at some point). Not happy with how everything is laid out, but it'll do for now.

Stuff to add:

  • more restaurant info (address, phone, etc)
  • "new" and "special price" indicators
  • sub-item options (e.g. "add chicken: $2.50")
  • photos
  • add basic styles for very large screens (e.g. in-restaurant TV displays)

Other misc. notes:

  • Styles are mobile first and probably an unsupportable mishmash of ems and percentages (maybe not — the large screen scale up went seamlessly).
  • The responsive nav is very rudimentary.
  • I'm not really a fan of the way the titles wrap around the item number.
  • At smallest size the price gets squished into the right margin.
  • Some tags are left un-closed in order to avoid whitespace messing with inline-block elements.