
Oauth2 client lib for clojure

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Clojars Dependency

A Clojure Oauth client library. This library provides implementation of two specific oauth workflows -

  1. Authenticated Request (Oauth 1.0)
  2. Client Credentials Grant (Oauth 2.0)


To use the Oauth 1.0 Authenticated Request flow -

(:require [client-oauth2.oauth-header :as oauth])

(def options
  {:url "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json"
   :method :get
   :query-params {:count 200}
   :form-params {:a "abc"}})

	:consumer-key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    :consumer-secret "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    :request-options options
    :oauth-token "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    :oauth-token-secret "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

;; You can also access the intermediate results used for creating the auth header. This is useful for debugging.


The following twitter documentation was an invaluable resource in coding the above flows, and the code is based on it -

  1. Authenticated Request flow
  2. Client Credentials Grant

Kudos to the twitter folks for taking the efforts to publish such detailed information !

To Do

  1. Add some unit tests.
  2. Exception handling.


Copyright © 2013 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.