HolDCSim -- A Holistic Simulator for Data Centers



Linecard Network Experiment: Experiment which implements sleep states in both the servers and line cards. Has the ability to use a global queue by user speicification. User can also set the amount of time each Line Card waits in the idle state before going into sleep. User can also set the job inter arrival time using the parameters.

Sleep Scale Experiment: Experiment with 1 server, and provides 5 sleep states that the server can go into: Active state, idle state, shallow sleep state, deep sleep state, and deepest sleep state. This experiment allows users to explore CPU C-States in a server.

Windowed Sleep Scale Experiment: Extension of Sleep Scale Experiment. User specify a “window” param. The “window” param’s unit is in ms. The param enforces the server to spend this much time in each sleep state upon each transition

Multi Server Experiment: Simple, default experiment where servers are always on. Takes 1 parameter- the # of servers

Shallow Deep Experiment: Introduces the concept of shallow and deep sleep states. Experiment where two traffic thresholds are defined in user params- Ts and Tw. Ts is the lower bound, and Tw is the higher bound. When the traffic rate dips lower than Ts, servers will be put into shallow sleep until the traffic rate is >= Ts. When the traffic rate goes to higher than Tw, servers will be woken up (starting from servers in the lightest sleep state) until the traffic rate is <= Tw. The purpose of the shallow deep experiment is to maintain an incoming job traffic rate between Ts and Tw. After a server has entered shallow sleep state, it has the potential to enter deep sleep state(s), as specified by experiments that extend the Shallow Deep Experiment (ERover Experiment, Dual ERover Experiment).

ERover Experiment: Extension of Shallow Deep Experiment. User specifies a param which is the delay time between shallow sleep state and deep sleep state(s).

Dual ERover Experiment: Extension of the ERover experiment. A portion of the servers have a low delay time between shallow sleep state and deep sleep state(s). The other portion of servers have a longer delay time between shallow sleep state and deep sleep state(s). These delay times are specified by user params

On Off Experiment: Experiment where server will immediately be turned off when all 4 cores are idle, and then be turned on again once a core is needed for an incoming job.

Delay Off Experiment: Experiment where server will be turned off after they are idle for a specified delay time. This delay time is specified by user params

Delay Doze Experiment: Experiment where servers will go to deep sleep state after they are idle for a specified delay time. This delay time is specified by user params

Dual Delay Doze Experiment: Experiment where a portion of the servers have a low delay time before going into deep sleep after being idle. The other portion of servers have a longer delay timer before going into deep sleep. THese delay times are specified by user params


Parameter Description Value
topo_type Network Topology to be used fattree,bcube,camcube,smalltopo,fbfly,flowtesttopo
topo_params k value for topolgoy k=(int)
num_of_sockets Number of CPU sockets Integer (default = 1)
cores_per_socket Number of cores per CPU socket Integer (default = 1)
network_routing_algorithm Which networking algorithm the experiment will use popcorns,elastc_tree,djikstra
core_switch_bw Bandwidth of the Core Switches Integer (default=100000)
aggregate_switch_bw Bandwidth of the Aggregate Switches Integer (default=10000)
edge_switch_bw Bandwidth of the Edge Switches Integer (default=1000)
core_lc_active Core Switch Active Power (Watts) Integer (default=300)
core_lc_lpi1 Core Switch LPI1 Power (Watts) Integer (default=176)
core_lc_lpi2 Core Switch LPI2 Power (Watts) Integer (default=117)
core_lc_lpi3 Core Switch LPI3 Power (Watts) Integer (default=72)
aggregate_lc_active Aggregate Switch Active Power (Watts) Integer (default=200)
aggregate_lc_lpi1 Aggregate Switch LPI1 Power (Watts) Integer (default=120)
aggregate_lc_lpi2 Aggregate Switch LPI2 Power (Watts) Integer (default=78)
aggregate_lc_lpi3 Aggregate Switch LPI3 Power (Watts) Integer (default=48)
edge_lc_active Edge Switch Active Power (Watts) Integer (default=150)
edge_lc_lpi1 Edge Switch LPI1 Power (Watts) Integer (default=75)
edge_lc_lpi2 Edge Switch LPI2 Power (Watts) Integer (default=58)
edge_lc_lpi3 Edge Switch LPI3 Power (Watts) Integer (default=28)
lc_active_to_lpi1_time Time before Switch transisitions from Active to LPI1 Double (default=0.250)
lc_lpi1_to_lpi2_time Time before Switch transitions from LPI1 to LPI2 Double (default=0.750)
lc_lpi2_to_lpi3_time Time before Switch transitions from LPI2 to LPI3 Double (default=1.80)
lc_lpi3_to_off_time Time before Switch transitions from LPI3 to Off Double (default=4.00)
Server_active_to_1_Time Time before Server transitions from Active to Shallow Sleep Double (default=0.01)
Server_1_to_4_Time Time before Server transitions from Shallow to Deep Sleep Double (default=0.5)
Server_4_to_5_Time Time before Server transitions from Deep to Deepest Sleep Double (default=1)
port_power_policy Power Policy of device Ports no_management,port_lpi
line_card_power_policy Power Policy of Line Cards no_management,linecard_sleep
ports_per_line_card Number of ports per Line Card Integer (default=4)
num_of_jobs Number of Jobs for the Experiment fixed (int),random
job_QoS Job Quality of Service Constraint Integer
num_of_tasks Number of Tasks fixed (int) , random
task_size Size of Each Task fixed (int) , random
all_jobs The type of workload stride,hotspot,onetoone,random,small_topo_custom,test_trans,flow_test,WSEARCH,WSERVICE,DNS
packet_num Number of packets data is split into for communication fixed (int), random
flow_size Size of the flows in the experiment Integer (default = 1)
job_workload The Job Workload to be used for the experiment poisson,mmpp,mixed,mmpp_fluent,mmpp_oracle,trace,user_specify
mixture Proportion of Mixed Workload Double between 0 and 1 (default = 0.950)
service_dis Service Distribution, either exponential or uniform unif, expo
trace_filename Filename for workload trace
path_preolad Whether or not to preload the path when initializing the experiment Boolean 0,1
seed Seed used to randomize values during the experiment Integer
verbose Whether outputs are printed while running the experiement Boolean 0,1
debug_level Sets the debug level for the experiment, the higher the debug level, the more information is printed 0,1,2,3
task_scheduler Sets the task scheduler to be used in the experiment energy_aware,simple,test_trans,one_server
sche_policy Sets the scheduling poicy, either first pick or random available first_pick, random_avail
multi_states Whether the Servers are set to use multiple sleep state levels Boolean 0,1
job_arrivals Whether to log the job arrival distribution Boolean 0,1
job_completes Whether to log the job completion distribuition Boolean 0,1
collect_stats Whether to collect server statistics throughout experiment Boolean 0,1
print_full_his Whether to print the full statistics history to log file Boolean 0,1
print_agg_stats Whether to write the task start and completion time statistics to a log file Boolean 0,1
allserver_stats Whether to write all server stats to an output file for later parsing Boolean 0,1
idle_distribuition Whether to write the server idle distribuition to a log file Boolean 0,1
state_durations Whether to write the amount of time spent in each sleep state Boolean 0,1
energy_distributions Whether to log the amount of energy used by each sleep state level Boolean 0,1
abs_percentile_90 Whether or not to calculate and show the 90th Percentile Latency Boolean 0,1
skip_initial_jobs The number of jobs to skip as warm-up jobs during initialization Boolean 0,1
timing_check Whether or not to perform a timing check to validate a successful simulation Boolean 0,1
dump_prediction Whether or not to log the prediction history Boolean 0,1
dump_sch_serverhis Whether to log the history of when servers are set to active by the scheduler Boolean 0,1
dump_act_serverhis Whether to log the active servers throughout the experiment Boolean 0,1
dump_queue_his Whether to log the queue history Boolean 0,1
latency_percent The latency percent used when calculating job latency statistics Double betwen 0 and 1
asyn_log Enables asynchronous logging, dump_prediction, dump_sch_serverhis no longer take effect when enabled Boolean 0,1
cycle The length of the time window for MMPP workload (seconds) Integer (default = 30)
aratio Arrival Rate for MMPP workload Double (default = 4.0)
tratio Ratio of Active Time to Inactive Time Between 1 and 4
s4_provision Percentage of servers required to be in the s4 sleep state during ERover Experiment Integer
sampling_rate The number of samples which are calculated and logged for server and switch graphs Integer
frames The number of frames for which data is collected for topology animation Integer