Universal Client Generator

JUClient allows you to generate client code for your APIs in any client library of your choice.

You use this, simply add juclient dependency is your project.

Then use @ApiClient annotations over any API you want in your client SDK.

public class StudentController {
   public PagedResponseDTO<List<StudentDTO>> getAllStudents(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "0") Integer pageNo,
           @RequestParam(defaultValue = "2") Integer pageSize, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "id") String sortBy,
           @RequestParam(defaultValue = "true") boolean isAscending, @RequestParam(defaultValue = "") String search) {
       return null;


For instance if you are using JUClient with spring boot, just add @ApiClient annotation over your Mapping and it will generate the following SDK:


And, the StudentClient.java will have FeignClient implementation for the same.

interface StudentClient{

    @RequestMapping(method= RequestMethod.GET, value="/students")
    PagedResponseDTO<List<StudentDTO>> getAllStudents(@RequestParam Integer pageNo,
               @RequestParam Integer pageSize, @RequestParam String sortBy,
               @RequestParam boolean isAscending, @RequestParam String search);

Currently supported framework

  1. Spring Boot

Current Support for client

  1. Feign Client

Note: This project is still work in progress