
Beacon CMS

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Steps to build a Phoenix umbrella project that uses Beacon:

  1. Create an umbrella phoenix app:
    mix phx.new --umbrella --install my_app
  2. Add :beacon as a dependency to both apps in your umbrella project:
      # Local:
      {:beacon, path: "../../../beacon"},
      # Or from GitHub:
      {:beacon, github: "beaconCMS/beacon"},
  3. Add Beacon.Repo to config :my_app, ecto_repos: [MyApp.Repo, Beacon.Repo] in config.exs
  4. Configure the Beacon Repo in your dev.exs and prod.exs:
    config :beacon, Beacon.Repo,
      username: "postgres",
      password: "postgres",
      database: "my_app_beacon",
      hostname: "localhost",
      show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true,
      pool_size: 10
  5. Create a BeaconDataSource module that implements Beacon.DataSource.Behaviour:
    defmodule MyApp.BeaconDataSource do
      @behaviour Beacon.DataSource.Behaviour
      def live_data("my_site", "home", _params), do: %{vals: ["first", "second", "third"]}
      def live_data(_, _, _), do: %{}
  6. Add that DataSource to your config.exs:
    config :beacon,
      data_source: MyApp.BeaconDataSource
  7. Add a :beacon pipeline to your router:
      pipeline :beacon do
        plug BeaconWeb.Plug
  8. Add a BeaconWeb scope to your router as shown below:
      scope "/", BeaconWeb do
        pipe_through :browser
        pipe_through :beacon
        live_session :beacon, session: %{"beacon_site" => "my_site"} do
          live "/page/:path", PageLive, :path
  9. Add some seeds to your seeds.exs:
    alias Beacon.Components
    alias Beacon.Pages
    alias Beacon.Layouts
    alias Beacon.Stylesheets
    %{id: layout_id} =
        site: "my_site",
        title: "Sample Home Page",
        meta_tags: %{"foo" => "bar"},
        stylesheet_urls: [],
        body: """
        <%= @inner_content %>
          Page Footer
      path: "home",
      site: "my_site",
      layout_id: layout_id,
      template: """
        <h2>Some Values:</h2>
          <%= for val <- live_data[:vals] do %>
            <%= my_component("sample_component", val: val) %>
          <% end %>
      site: "my_site",
      name: "sample_component",
      body: """
        <%= @val %>
      site: "my_site",
      name: "sample_stylesheet",
      content: "body {cursor: zoom-in;}"
  10. cd apps/my_app && mix ecto.reset && cd ../..
  11. mix phx.server
  12. visit http://localhost:4000/page/home
  13. Note:
  14. The Header and Footer from the layout
  15. The list element from the page
  16. The three components rendered with the live_data from your DataSource
  17. The zoom in cursor from the stylesheet

To enable Page Management UI:

  1. Add the following to the top of your Router:
    require BeaconWeb.PageManagement
  2. Add the following scope to your Router:
      scope "/page_management", BeaconWeb.PageManagement do
        pipe_through :browser
  3. visit http://localhost:4000/page_management/pages
  4. Edit the existing page or create a new page then click edit to go to the Page Editor (including version management)

To enable Page Management API:

  1. Add the following to the top of your Router:
    require BeaconWeb.PageManagementApi
  2. Add the following scope to your Router:
      scope "/page_management_api", BeaconWeb.PageManagementApi do
        pipe_through :api
  3. Check out /lib/beacon_web/page_management_api.ex for currently available API endpoints.