
Softphone for Brekeke PBX

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Quick access

Environment requirement

  • Should have the latest node version 12.x LTS
  • Install yarn and use it instead of npm: npm i -g yarn
  • Install node packages:
# IMPORTANT: Do not run react-native link, we already linked them manually because the automation link has issues sometimes
cd /path/to/brekekephone
  • Start the metro bundler and let it running
yarn rn
  • If it has some strange errors, we may need to delete node_module then reset cache as well
yarn cache clean && yarn --check-files && yarn rn --reset-cache

Keystores and other credentials keys

  • You need to contact us to download or generate your own following files:
    • android/app/google-services.json
    • android/keystores/development.keystore
    • android/keystores/release.keystore
    • src/api/turnConfig.ts
  • Most of the cases you don't need to use TURN to establish the call. You can put export default null; in turnConfig.ts and keep the TURN feature turned off. Example of real config:
export const turnConfig = {
  pcConfig: {
    iceServers: [
        urls: 'turn:HOST:PORT/PATH',
        username: 'USERNAME',
        credential: 'PASSWORD',
      // Other ice servers...


Android SDK tools
  • The binary tools are located at the following locations. To use them directly in the command line, we should add them into the PATH environment variable:
  • Windows:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
Run and debug app in Android Emulator:
  • To create a virtual device:

  • To run the virtual device:

    • Option 1: Using Android Studio: In AVD Manager, click the Run button on the Emulator we want to run
    • Option 2: Using command line tool: Execute emulator -list-avds to list all virtual devices. Then execute emulator -avd <DEVICE_NAME> to run it. If you are on Windows, you may need to cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator first
  • Start the react native bundle at the project root: yarn android

  • Some errors:

    • If we can not run the emulator and it throws an error like: Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!. Try to follow these steps to fix:
      • In Android Studio, go to SDK Manager and make sure the option Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator is checked
      • Open folder %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager
      • Open intelhaxm-android.exe. If it shows that the installation is completed, we need to click the remove button to remove it, then reopen and reinstall it again
      • When reinstalling, if it shows an error like: ... Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x) is not turned on: We need to restart the computer, enter the BIOS and configure the CPU to support Virtualization. After that try to reopen and reinstall intelhaxm-android.exe again
    • The device starts up but the Command Line shows endless loop of VCPU shutdown request
    • You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components: Execute cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\bin then sdkmanager --licenses then press y and enter for all licenses
Run and debug app in a real device:
  • Prepare with the real device:
    • Go to Settings > Privacy
    • Enable "Unknown Sources" (Allow installation of apps from unknown sources)
    • We may need to enable Developer Mode as well, each phone has a different way to enable it, please give a search on the internet if you don't know how
  • Then run those commands on the computer:
adb devices
adb -s DEVICE_ID reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
yarn android --deviceId=DEVICE_ID
Build app in release mode and install it in a real device:
  • At the project root execute: cd android && ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assembleRelease
  • After the build is finished, the apk file is located at: android/app/build/outputs/apk/release. We can upload the apk file to our server or to Google Play Dashboard for a new release
  • To enable LogCat: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25610936


  • CocoaPods is required: https://cocoapods.org/
  • Install Pods: cd ios && pod install --repo-update
  • Start development: yarn ios
  • Sometimes we need to clear cache if it doesn't reflect changes or has some strange errors: rm -rf ios/build/* && rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*
  • To have the push notification permision and other permission related popups show up again, we need to uninstall the app before reinstalling it
Build app for distribution
  • Download bitcode for react-native-webrtc: yarn bitcode
  • Request for distribution certificate and install it correctly on local machine if haven't
  • Archive and distribute for Ad-hoc / Team distribution to manually upload to our server so the others can download and test
  • We can also choose to validate for App Store to see if it has any issue, then distribute it to App Store for a new release

Push notification issues

  • Android
    • Ensure latest google-services.json
    • Ensure correct server api key in the sip proxy server
  • iOS
    • Ensure the push notification gets configured correctly in General, Info.plist, Phone.entitlements
    • Ensure correct api key (string or file) in sip proxy server

Automation format tools

  • To have the js/ts files follow a single code format consistency, you can run yarn format
    • It will be automatically run in each commit using husky and lint-staged
  • To run the format command for all possible files make format, we must install the following packages (on macOS):
brew install make clang-format google-java-format
npm i -g imagemin-cli