Pixel Art Maker


Udacity - Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree project. In this project were given starter code, including HTML and CSS, to build the application. we'll write JavaScript code that lets the user to create a grid of squares representing their design, and apply colors to those squares to create a digital masterpiece!. were build a single-page web app that allows users to draw pixel art on a customizable canvas! Check out this example:

Pixel Art Maker

Getting Started


Go to https://musaab-abdalla.github.io/frontend-nanodegree-pixel-art-maker


1. Clone this repo:

Clone the repo using Git:

git clone https://github.com/musaab-abdalla/frontend-nanodegree-pixel-art-maker.git

2. Open the application:

Users should be able to:

  1. Dynamically set the size of the table as an H by W grid.
  2. Choose a color.
  3. Click a cell in the grid to fill that cell with the chosen color.
$ open "http://localhost/frontend-nanodegree-pixel-art-maker/index.html"

Dynamically creates a grid that you can interact with.



1. Defining variables with const and let.
2. Accessing the DOM using methods of the document object.
3. Declaring functions and attaching them to DOM objects as event listeners.
4. Writing nested loops and using loop variables.