
Kotlin + Spring Cloud Eureka + Gateway + Hystrix + Cloud Config Server + Docker

Primary LanguageKotlin


This project is a sample demonstration of how to develop a complete microservice architecture using Kotlin Lang.

In this Project we are making use of the following tools and technologies:

  • Kotlin
  • Spring Cloud Eureka
  • Cloud Gateway
  • Hystrix
  • Cloud Config Server

How To Start 👀

  • Download The Project
  $ git clone https://github.com/musaabshirgar1/kotlin-api-gateway
  • Open up the project in IntelliJ Idea
  • Build The Project
  $ ./gradlew clean build
  • Create local docker images of all the services. For Instance, to create a local docker image for order-service do the following:
  $ cd kotlin-api-gateway/order-service //Follow the path
  $ docker build -t order-service . //Open Docker and run the following command
  • Follow the above step for all the services
  • Finally run the following command from the root folder:
  $ docker-compose up

References: Java Techie