
When running, the following applications will be available on your localhost:

Getting Started


./ start

Then, load the following in your browser:

  • http://gitea:3000 - Configure and register for a Gitea account; database configuration may be left as-is
  • http://drone:8002 - Log in to Drone using the same credentials you used for your Gitea account

Create an SSH key to use with Gitea by running ssh-keygen from your terminal. When prompted for the name of the key file, use something like /Users/username/.ssh/gitea-local.

Then, add the following to your local host's ~/.ssh/config file:

Host gitea
HostName gitea
Port 222
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gitea-local

Finally, type cat ~/.ssh/ from your terminal and copy-and-paste the output into a new SSH key in your Gitea account: http://gitea:3000/user/settings/keys

Trying It Out

Let's create a PHP project that we'll add to Gitea and then run tests for in Drone.

composer create-project ramsey/php-library-skeleton drone-test

Answer all the questions. When completed, cd drone-test/ and create a .drone.yml file with the following:

kind: pipeline
name: default

  - name: unit
    image: php:7.3-alpine
      - curl -L -s -o composer.phar
      - php --version
      - php composer.phar --version
      - php composer.phar install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --no-progress
      - php composer.phar run test-ci

Now, go to Gitea and create your repository: http://gitea:3000/repo/create. Name it "drone-test" in keeping with the examples here.

Log into Drone and click the "SYNC" button to load your repositories from Gitea. Click to activate your "drone-test" repository. Now, you're ready to push your repository to Gitea and watch the build run.

From your drone-test/ directory in your terminal, type the following:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin git@gitea:ramsey/drone-test.git
git push -u origin master

If you've still got your Drone window visible, you should see it start to kick off a build.

Yay! 🎉