Project Overview

This project is a coding test for Jacksi LTD company. The main focus of the project is to implement a Flutter application that demonstrates various concepts including architecture using BLoC pattern with Freezed, integrating third-party libraries, and more.


The project follows the BLoC pattern for managing the state of the application, making use of the flutter_bloc library for state management and freezed for generating immutable classes.

Key libraries used:

  • flutter_bloc: ^8.0.1
  • freezed

Libraries Used

The project utilizes the following libraries to enhance functionality and streamline development:

  • flutter_bloc: ^8.0.1 - A state management library that helps manage and handle the application's state using the BLoC pattern.
  • realm: ^1.3.0 - A database library used for local data storage and management.
  • get_it: ^7.6.0 - A dependency injection library that helps manage and provide instances of dependencies throughout the application.
  • image_picker: ^1.0.2 - A library that provides the ability to pick images from the device's gallery or camera.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using flutter pub get.
  3. Generate Freezed classes using flutter pub run build_runner build.
  4. Run the application using flutter run.


Here are some screenshots from the application:

Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5