
Data Engineer at ID/X Partners

Data Warehouse and ETL Implementation

Video Presentation


  • Talend
  • SQL Server


  • Data Warehouse
  • ETL and ELT
  • Store Procedure
  • Restore Database

Case Study

  • Restore Database
  • Create Table Fact and Dimension
  • Create ETL Process / Data Pipeline
  • Create Store Procedure

1. Restore Database Staging

The first step is to restore the staging.bak database. To do so, see the image below.

  • Restore Database
    • image
  • Result Restore Database
    • image

2. Create Table Fact and Dimension

The next step is to create the DWH_Project database. Then in the database create a table DimCustomer, DimProduct, DimStatusOrder and FactSalesOrder.

  • Create Database DWH_Project
  • Create Table DimCustomer
    CREATE TABLE DimCustomer (
      CustomerID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      FirstName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      LastName varchar(50) NOT NULL,
       Age int NOT NULL,
      Gender varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      City varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      NoHP varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  • Create Table DimProduct
    CREATE TABLE DimProduct (
      ProductID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      ProductName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      ProductCategory varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      ProductUnitPrice int,
  • Create Table DimStatusOrder
    CREATE TABLE DimStatusOrder (
      StatusID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      StatusOrder varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      StatusOrderDesc varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  • Create Table FactSalesOrder
    CREATE TABLE FactSalesOrder (
       CustomerID int NOT NULL,
       ProductID int NOT NULL,
       Quantity int NOT NULL,
       Amount int NOT NULL,
       StatusID int NOT NULL,
       OrderDate date NOT NULL,
       CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerOrder FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID)
      REFERENCES DimCustomer(CustomerID),
       CONSTRAINT FK_ProductOrder FOREIGN KEY (ProductID)
      REFERENCES DimProduct(ProductID),
       CONSTRAINT FK_StatusOrder FOREIGN KEY (StatusID)
       REFERENCES DimStatusOrder(StatusID)
  • Result
    • image

3. Create ETL Process / Data Pipeline

The next step is to create a job in Talend using the tMSSqllinput and tMSSqlOutput components to move data from source (staging) to target (DWH_Project), and using tMap component for UPCASE in the DimCustomer table.

  • Create DB Connections

    • image
  • Step 1

    • image
  • Step 2

    • image
  • Result Connections

    • image
  • Retrieve Schema

    • image
  • Checklist dbo

    • image
  • Create Job

    • image
  • Result Job

    • image
  • Enter the required components and connect them to each other, as well as configure the database on each component.

    • image
  • The source and target database sections are configured as shown in the image below.

    • Database Source

      • image
    • Database Target

      • image
  • In the target database section, make sure the columns between source and target match the column names and data types, if you have already run the job by clicking Run.

    • image
  • Result table data after moving data from the staging Database to the DWH_Project Database.

    • image

4. Create Store Procedure

Store Procedure named summary_order_status contains SELECT and JOIN commands between fact and dimension tables to display several columns, namely OrderID, CustomerName, ProductName, Quantity, StatusOrder. The following is an example of creating a Store Procedure with StatusID as a parameter.

  • Query Store Procedure
    CREATE PROCEDURE summary_order_status
      @StatusID INT
      FROM FactSalesOrder fso
      JOIN DimCustomer dc ON fso.CustomerID = dc.CustomerID
      JOIN DimProduct dp ON fso.ProductID = dp.ProductID
      JOIN DimStatusOrder dso ON fso.StatusID = dso.StatusID
      WHERE dso.StatusID = @StatusID;
    EXEC summary_order_status @StatusID = 1;
  • Result SP
    • image

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