Monkey is a C-like interpreter for the monkey language
that is built in the book "Writing an interpreter in Go" by Thorsten Ball.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- You have knowledge of programming and can do so in Go.
- You have Go v1.7+ installed.
Language Features
- Function literals.
- First class and Higher Order Functions.
- Closures.
- Variable Bindings.
- Prefix and Infix operations.
- Builtin Data types;
- Booleans.
- Strings.
- Hashes.
- Integers.
- Arrays.
- Builtin functions
for length of iterables. -
for first element in an array. -
for the last element in an array. -
for the elements in an array except the first. -
to add a new element to the end of the array.
Personal TODOs:
- Read source code input from files.
- Support Unicode characters.
- Support floating point numbers.
- Postfix operations [?].
- Improve Syntax errors and stack errors.
- Add support for multiline strings.
- Improve string lexing i.e. check for opening and closing double quotes.
Installing monkey
To install monkey, follow these steps:
Clone this repository and then:
$ cd monkey
And then build a binary
$ go build cmd/* -o monkey
Finally run the binary
$ ./monkey
Using monkey
To use monkey, follow these steps:
$ ./monkey
Hello mus!
.--. .-" "-. .--.
/ .. \/ .-. .-. \/ .. \
| | '| / Y \ |' | |
| \ \ \ 0 | 0 / / / |
\ '- ,\.-"""""""-./, -' /
''-' /_ ^ ^ _\ '-''
| \._ _./ |
\ \ '~' / /
'._ '-=-' _.'
>> 1 + 1
>> let newAdder = fn(x) { fn(y) { x + y } };
>> let addTwo = newAdder(2);
>> addTwo(3);
Contributing to monkey
To contribute to monkey, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
. - Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m '<commit_message>'
- Push to the original branch:
git push origin <project_name>/<location>
- Create the pull a request.
If you want to contact me you can reach me at
This project uses the following license: MIT.