Bonline Component Library
- Documentation
- Storybook
- React Components and base styles
- JS/React Testing suite
- Rollup build system
Components in this Library
- ActionBar
- AsideSlide
- ButtonGroup
- CategoryList
- DocumentUploader
- DocumentUploaderProps
- DropOptions
- EllipsisLoader
- Filter
- MobileSideMenu
- Overlay
- PageReady
- Paginator
- PDFPreview
- SimplePopup
- SwitchView
- ToolTip
- SelectRows
- UntilReady
- MultiLineSelect
- SimpleList
- Body
- ButtonOrDiv
- Header
- Sections
- SimpleItem
- SimpleListContext
Example Import:
// via full bundle - leads to bigger app sizes
import { ActionBar } from '@bonlineza/b-lib';
// or with tree shaking for slimmer app buundle sizes
import ActionBar from '@bonlineza/b-lib/ActionBar';
Functions in this Library
- constrainSearch
- debounced
- flattenObject
- getMoment
- getTokenFromStorage
- hasOwn
- hasValue
- isObjectEmpty
- moveItemInArray
- parseDate
- removeWhiteSpaces
- replaceUnderscoreWithSpace,
- sanitizeInputForConstraints
- scrollToSelector
- smoothScrollTo,
- snakeCaseTitleCase
- stringOccurances
- usePrevious (Hook)
- toTitleCase
- validateEmail
- validatePhone
- validateWebsite
- install npm dependenciesyarn start
- Open Storybookyarn docs
- run both lint and testsyarn build
- generate built js filesyarn build --watch
- build and watch filesyarn test
- run both lint and testsyarn lint
- run linter onlyyarn jest --watch
- watch tests (reccomended)
- define the Maps API key and run storybook using this command:
STORYBOOK_MAPS_API_KEY=[your long api key] yarn start
- see: ( for more info
Testing your local Changes in other Projects
- Checkout your Fork of this Repo
- Run this in the fork root folder:
yarn link
- Run this in the root folder of the project you would like to use this module:
yarn link @bonlineza/b-lib
You will now be able to import this module like any normal npm module like so:
import { SimplePopup } from '@bonlineza/b-lib';
Publish Package
- after testing is complete and your changes have been merged to master in this Library
- Your personal account on
- Your Account is added to the
Bonlineza Org
- see:
- checkout/pull latest UPSTREAM
and run... yarn test
yarn build
- Update your
version info - Update you
file with relevant info for your new version yarn login
npm publish --dry-run
- to confirm that your files will be packaged into the npm reponpm publish
- commit the published files to the npm repoyarn docs
- generates all documentationyarn build:storybook
- ensure static stybook site is uptodateCommit
this commit with the Tag name the same as the package version number to UPSTREAMmaster
Testing Changes in Projects (alternative Method)
Node will resolve to the nearest /node_modules
containing the package we are importing.
So to test versions against existing projects - we can merely create a node_modules
folder as a parent of our
current folder and clone the version that we would like to test.
Using node's resolver to our benefit-
First a thing or two about the Node Resolver-
When we write
import foo from 'bar';
node will try to resolve this by appending /node_modules
to the parent directory and will look for the bar
If it is not there, node will search the next parent, and the next, and the next, until it finds a node_modules/bar
webpack aliases and relative paths work a bit different, this behaviour is only for absolute and non-aliased imports
We can use this design to "override" certain packages.
So if our project has a depedancy on "b-lib": "1.0.3"
and we would like to test out b-lib@2.0.0
we can simply to the following-
# in bash
cd /path/to/project/resources/assets/js
mkdir node_modules
cd node_modules
git clone --branch 2.0.0
Or if we're working on a new feature we'd like to implement in a project and we'd like to take it for a spin for making the pull request
to the b-lib
we can run...
# in bash
cd /path/to/project/resources/assets/js
mkdir node_modules
cd node_modules
git clone{author}/b-lib --branch {branch-name}