
TR: Bu repository HTML CSS calisirken farkli kaynaklardan yararlanarak tuttugum notlerdan olusmaktadir. Baslangic seviyesindeki kisilere faydali olabilir. En: In this Repository I save my notes while that I ve taken while working on html css from several sources. I think this notes beneficial for beginners. https://musatoktas.github.io/HTML5-CSS3-Notes/index.html

Primary LanguageHTML


Bu repository HTML CSS calisirken farkli kaynaklardan yararlanarak tuttugum notlerdan olusmaktadir. Baslangic seviyesindeki kisilere faydali olabilir.


In this Repository I save my notes while that I ve taken while working on html css from several sources. I think this notes beneficial for beginners.

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