created with create-react-app

fb rules:

service cloud.firestore {
	match /databases/{database}/documents {
		match /projects/{project}{
			allow read, write: if request.auth.uid !=  null
		match /users/{userId}{
			allow create
			allow read: if request.auth.uid !=  null
			allow write: if request.auth.uid == userId

for firebase cloud functions

  • npm i -g firebase-tools
  • firebase login (will show a browser window for login)
  • firebase init
    • select functions anf hosting
    • select the db project
    • for public directory type 'dist'
  • firebase deploy

to deploy a function only

  • firebase deploy --only functions


updated rules for notifications

match /notifications/{notification}{
	allow read: if request.auth.uid != null

to Delpoy to fb

  • npm run build -> will output the app in the build folder (for this app just move all from build to dist)
  • firebase deploy