
Portfolio/blog project built with Nextjs and Sanity

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next.js Portfolio with Sanity.io

Next.js Sanity.io


This is a sleek portfolio website built using Next.js 13 with app router and Sanity.io for content management. Showcase your skills, projects, and blogs in a modern and responsive design.


  • Next.js 13 for fast rendering and optimal performance
  • App router for client-side navigation
  • Sanity.io for easy content management
  • Responsive design
  • SEO-friendly


  • Node.js >= 14.x
  • npm >= 6.x
  • Sanity CLI (Optional)

Getting Started

First, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/musebe/Next-sanity-portfolio.git
cd your-nextjs-portfolio

Then, install the dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install


To start the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Building for Production

To build the project for production:

npm run build
# or
yarn build
# or
pnpm build

Running in Production

To start the production server:

npm start
# or
yarn start
# or
pnpm start

Sanity.io Setup

If you're using Sanity.io for content management, make sure to set up your Sanity project:

  1. Install Sanity CLI:
npm install -g @sanity/cli
  1. Initialize a new Sanity project:
sanity init
  1. Deploy the GraphQL schema:
sanity graphql deploy
  1. Add your Sanity project ID and dataset to .env:
  1. For Newsletter Subscription We use Mailchimp.Define following variables in your .env.local file.

Used Packages

  • formik
  • react-confetti
  • yup
  • framer-motion


Deploy with Vercel


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




  • Refine code Section ✅
  • Implement copy code to clipboard ✅
  • Sort Articles Based On Categories, Date Posted ✅
  • Add Published on : Date ✅
  • Pagination on Main blog page - Infinite scroll ✅
  • Og images bug refine ✅
  • Integrate mailchimp ✅
  • Write Tests

npm install --save-dev @testing-library/react @testing-library/jest-dom @testing-library/user-event