
A simple log library, written by c, a wrapper for syslog api. Using syslog-ng to save message.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Linux only. C99/C++ library. Simple client for syslog-ng. Easy to write flexible and strong config because for syslog-ng. Wrapper for syslog api. Four api contain.

Quick start

$ [dnf] or [yum] install syslog-ng.x86_64
$ cp conf.d/muse.conf /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d
$ service syslog-ng stop
$ service syslog-ng start
$ make [lib] or [example]

About syslog-ng

Opening muse.conf. You can see this code.

template t_muse {
	template("${S_DATE} musefs ${PROGRAM}[${PID}]: [${LEVEL}] ${MSG}\n"); template_escape(no);

Template is the place you define your message format.

I use the next format because it can be opened via vim and run filetype=messages to see more color.

[date] [name] [program[pid]]: [message]

For more detail. Click here for opening syslog-ng guide.


Just have four api.

bool log_start(Muselog *log, const char *logname, int facility);
bool flog(Muselog *log, int level, const char *fmt, ...);
bool vlog(Muselog *log, int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
bool log_move(Muselog *log, const char *save, int size);

Upon successful completion, four api will return true. Otherwise, the functions shall return false and set errno to indicate the error.


Two previous params is easy to understand. logname normally save under /var/log. facility argument is used to specify what type of program is logging the message. This lib use LOCAL 1~7 to save user-define log.

At muse.conf, you can see this code.

destination d_muse	{ file("/var/log/muse" template(t_muse)); };
filter 		f_muse  { facility(local1); };

local1 facility save message at /var/log/muse. So, it means, one facility bind to one file and just seven facility you can use.

flog and vlog

flog and vlog is thread-safe, because of syslog-ng. And level defined at muselog.h.


No thread-safe. Move your log to the path you want to save and truncate the old log. If you don't want to truncate the old file, put size = -1.


Hope you enjoy!