
Twitch message parsing in Rust

Primary LanguageRustBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Read the docs for more detailed information

This is a crate to parse chat messages from https://www.twitch.tv

This crate does not provide any I/O rather just parsing of a &str into typed messages.

A quick walkthrough:

use twitch_message::messages::*;
// get some data from somewhere
let data: &str = read_line();

// parse returns a `ParseResult` which contains the remaining data (if any) and the parsed message
let result = twitch_message::parse(data)?;
let msg: Message<'_> = result.message;

match msg.kind {
    MessageKind::Ready => {
        let ready = msg.as_typed_message::<Ready>().unwrap();
        println!("connected as: {name}", name = ready.name);
    MessageKind::Privmsg => {
        let pm = msg.as_typed_message::<Privmsg>().unwrap();
        println!("[{channel}] {sender}: {data}",
            channel = pm.channel,
            sender = pm.sender,
            data = pm.data
    MessageKind::Ping => {
        let ping = msg.as_typed_message::<Ping>().unwrap();
        let resp = twitch_message::encode::pong(&ping.token);

        // you can format data to various 'sinks'
        use twitch_message::encode::Formattable;
        let mut out = String::new();
        resp.format(&mut out)?;
        assert_eq!(out, "PONG :1234567890\r\n");
    _ => {}



// this adds the # to the channel, if its missing
let pm = twitch_message::encode::privmsg("museun", "hello, world.");

// using `Formattable`
use twitch_message::encode::Formattable;
let mut buf = String::new();
pm.format(&mut buf)?;
assert_eq!(buf, "PRIVMSG #museun :hello, world.\r\n");

// using `Format`
use twitch_message::encode::Format;
let mut buf = String::new();
assert_eq!(buf, "PRIVMSG #museun :hello, world.\r\n");


// this adds the # to the channel, if its missing
let pm = twitch_message::encode::privmsg("museun", "hello, world.");

// using `Encodable`
use twitch_message::encode::Encodable;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
pm.encode(&mut buf)?;
assert_eq!(buf, b"PRIVMSG #museun :hello, world.\r\n");

// using `Encode`
use twitch_message::encode::Encode;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
assert_eq!(buf, b"PRIVMSG #museun :hello, world.\r\n");


Feature Description
default there are no default features
ping enables the [PingTracker]
std enables the Encode and Encodable traits
serde enables [serde] derives on the types
hashbrown enables using [hashbrown] for the internal HashMap
sync enables using [std::sync::Mutex] over [std::cell::RefCell] see sharing data
parking_lot same as sync except uses a [parking_lot::Mutex]

Twitch chat reference: link

License: 0BSD