
Based on the question template feedback

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

==================================================================================== I have created this task using Django and Django rest framework

Setup project environment

  • run $ pyvenv
  • activate environment using $ source /bin/activate

Install required packages

  • keeping your environment activated from the root directory of the project run $ pip install -r requirements/base.txt

Set Environment Variables

  • cd into feedback_survey folder and from here run $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=‘project.settings.local'

Manually create secrets.json file

Run the server

  • Now you can run the server from feedback_survey folder $ python manage.py runserver

Create Student with random course allotment by Managemnet Command

  • run python manage.py student_allotment_course # Creating Student with courses
  • run python manage.py request_feedbacks # TO request feedback for student
  • run python manage.py create_template APIs

Create a Course

Course List

  • Method : GET
  • URL :
  • headers : Content-Type: application/json
  • response_body: ``` { "meta": { "status": 1000, "message": "", "is_error": false }, "data": [ { "name": "Btech", "course_id": "BT1", "university": { "name": "Stanford", "address": "" } }, { "name": "BCom", "course_id": "BC1", "university": { "name": "Stanford", "address": "" } }, { "name": "BSc", "course_id": "BS1", "university": { "name": "Stanford", "address": "" } } ] }