
Source code for my portfolio website

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Matthew Brown's portfolio at https://www.muhakushi.com built with Next.js and hosted by AWS Amplify.

🐈 Installation using Yarn

  1. Install Next.js
yarn add next@latest react@latest react-dom@latest
  1. Install dependencies
  1. Run the development server
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

⚙️ Environment

You need to create a .env.local file in the root directory with the following configuration:

# POCKETBASE (https://pocketbase.io/)

# GISCUS COMPONENT (https://github.com/giscus/giscus-component)
# As of 2.3.0, set strict to 1 if using the pathname mapping.
NEXT_PUBLIC_GISCUS_MAPPING="url, title, specific, number, or pathname"

# PERSONAL LINKS (all optional)


The validation for NEXT_PUBLIC_... variables are located in environment.ts. The validation schema is powered by Zod.

🌎 PocketBase Schema

This project uses PocketBase as the database. Please ensure you have the following the schema.

The Base System Record

Every record in PocketBase, including the ones below, automatically has the following fields. Ensure your database includes the fields or create them.

Base System Record
id ID
created ISO Date
updated ISO Date

Project-Specfic Records

name Plain Text The category name
short_description Plain Text unused
long_description Rich Editor unused
name Plain Text The file name
field File The file
slug [^\s-] The slug this post should display on (i.e. .../posts/[slug])
title Plain Text
description Plain Text
image Single Image The image that shows on the preview card and post page
image_alt Plain Text Image alt text
date ISO Date The date of publication
body Rich Editor The post body
categories categories Relationships The categories of this post
legacy Boolean Whether or not this post is outdated. Shows a warning
date ISO Date The date
title Plain Text
description Plain Text
banner Single Image The image that shows on card
url URL The external project page
categories categories Relationships The categories of this project

Plain Text is and Rich Editor are both strings, with Rich Editor specifically being HTML. If using PocketBase, pay extra attention when pasting text directly into the Rich Editor, since it will preserve formatting in this application, too.

Changing or Editing the Database

You can delete the src/pocketbase-lib folder when using another database than PocketBase, since it's only used for bringing extra type-features to the existing PocketBase SDK.

Regardless, you can change and edit the database by modifying the database.ts file.

🚀 Deploy on AWS Amplify

See this AWS Amplify hosting tutorial. An amplify.yml file is already configured for this app.

There are currently limitations of hosting a Next.js 13* app on Amplify:

Unsupported features

  • Edge API Routes (Edge middleware is not supported)
  • On-Demand Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)
  • Internationalized (i18n) automatic locale detection


* Please use Next.js 13.0 - 13.5. Right now Next.js 14 and higher is not supported by AWS. It requires Node ^18.17. In you Build Settings, make sure you are using node version ^18.17. You can do this by going to Build Settings > Edit Build image settings > Live Package updates. However, GLIBC_2.27 is required and not currently available for AWS, and this is, most likely, one of many issues.

❓ Miscellaneous

Linting on Visual Studio Code

This project uses Prettier in combination with ESLint to format TypeScript code. A .eslintrc.json and settings.json file (for Prettier) has already been created in the root directory. To get started using Visual Studio Code, install the Prettier and ESLint extensions, then edit and save a file.

You may also edit the .eslintrc.json as long as "prettier" is not removed from the "extends" array. To ensure any added rules are neccessary and do not conflict with Prettier, run the CLI helper tool. For example:

npx eslint-config-prettier src/app/page.tsx


Usually you’ll have about the same rules for all files, so it is good enough to run the command on one file. But if you use multiple configuration files or overrides, you can provide several files https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier#cli-helper-tool

✍️ Contributions

Your feedback and contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository with proper attribution.