Advent of Code Python Template

My solutions to Advent of Code

SPOILER ALERT: This repository contains contest solutions. The solutions will be uploaded at least 30 minutes after the start of each day's contest.


By Day

Day Level 1 Rank Level 2 Rank Note
01 ()
02 ()
03 ()
04 ()
05 ()
06 ()
07 ()
08 ()
09 ()
10 ()
11 ()
12 ()
13 ()
14 ()
15 ()
16 ()
17 ()
18 ()
19 ()
20 ()
21 ()
22 ()
23 ()
24 ()
25 ()

By Leaderboard (after Day 01)

Leaderboard Score Rank
PyDis Staff

How to Use this Repo?

  1. Create a config.yml in the root of this repository. Put your AoC token in. You can find the token when you inspect the request cookies on AoC's website when you're logged in. Put it in config.yml as:

      session: 'Your session key'
  2. Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies in requirements.txt

  3. To download an input, run python d <day>

  4. To print calculated result for part 1/2, run python p <day> 1|2

  5. To submit calculated result for part 1/2, run python s <day> 1|2