
Python based TV Show renamer using the TVDB tvdb_api wrapper

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


NOTE: DEPRECIATED >> This uses an old version of the TVDB API, which no longer functions.

A TV Show episode automatic-renamer designed around the tvdb_api python project. The script recursively scans a directory and uses tvdb_api to get the episode details for renaming for all supporting media files. Does a better job of finding the right show by default than most.

tvdb.com: http://thetvdb.com

tvdb_api: https://github.com/dbr/tvdb_api

Written for and tested on Python 3.7.5

To Initialise the Project


TO-DO: pip install repo needs to be added.


In the root dir of project, run:

pip install

Dev Install:

In the root dir of project, run:

pip install -e .


Running the program:

usage: tvshowrenamer [-h] [-f TARGET_FILE] [-s SEARCH_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                     [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-d] [-a] [-ws]

TV Show Episode Renamer, using the TVDB Api

positional arguments:
config                  Config.ini file, containing search and output
                        directories, API Key, and templates. Arguments passed
                        in the cmd-line override config arguments. See
                        README.md for full outline.

optional arguments:
-h, --help              show this help message and exit
-f TARGET_FILE, --target_file TARGET_FILE
                        File to rename. If this arg is provided, search_dir
                        will be ignored
-s SEARCH_DIR, --search_dir SEARCH_DIR
                        Directory to search for files to rename. This option
                        overrides the -f tag.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The root TV Show directory to move the file to when
                        renamed. If configured, the folder structure will be
                        built according to the templates in the config file.
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        Log level for debug.
-d, --dryrun            Outputs suggested filename changes without
-a, --auto_delete       Deletes files which are not videos or subtitles.
-ws, --winsafe          Ensures files are renamed with windows-safe characters
                        only. ie. "\/<>|:*?"


config.ini must be passed to the program as the first argument. ie:

tvshowrenamer "path/to/config.ini"

Example Config.ini:

SEARCH_DIR = home/temp_dl_tv/
OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT = media/TV Shows/
EPISODE = {series_title} - S{s_no:02d}E{ep_no:02d} - {ep_name}
SEASON_FOLDER = Season {0:02d}
WINSAFE = false

See http://thetvdb.com/?tab=apiregister to get your own API key. The program will work without the API Key for testing, but it's highly recommended you get one if you're using it long-term.

The directories SEARCH_DIR and OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT aren't necessary, however if SEARCH_DIR is not set in cfg or passed in cmd-line args, target-file must be. If the output directory OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT is not specified, it will rename files in-place.

An ignore_list.json file is created and maintained in the search directory SEARCH_DIR. This is to prevent repeated calls to the api for failed files when the program is run in automation scripts.

If AUTO_DELETE is true, any file that is not a media (or sub) file will be deleted. Be careful with this! Additional functionality to only delete files with certain extensions needs to be added in the future. (Though it would be trivial if you wanted to modify the code)

EPISODE has the following keywords:

  • series_title = The title of the series as given by TVDB
  • s_no = Season number, as integer
  • ep_no = Episode number, as integer
  • ep_name = The name of the episode as given by TVDB

The string follows the Python String Format Spec. Mini Language, as given by: https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/string.html#formatspec


Season {0:02d} and {series_title} - S{s_no:02d}E{ep_no:02d} - {ep_name}


OUTPUT_DIR_ROOT\Series Title\Season XX\Series Title - SXXEXX - Episode Title.ext

Running the script:

Once the config.ini is set up, simply run the script as its root directory:

tvshowrenamer "path/to/config.ini"

or with cmd-line arguments, such as:

tvshowrenamer [-h] [-f TARGET_FILE] [-s SEARCH_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
              [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-d] [-a] [-ws]


The script can be run on a schedule using Task Scheduler (Win) or cronjobs (UNIX), as long as the config is set up correctly (see above). I