
WikiShare is a simple wiki based on Java and Hibernate. Main features are a simple clean interface, easy to use, ajax search over all contents, navigations for organizing ideas or project related contents, wysiwyg (tinyMCE) editor, versioning and a file manager.

Primary LanguageJava

WikiShare installation guide
Adam Musial-Bright, www.musial-bright.com

1. About and license
2. Requirements
3. Installation and configuration

1. About and license ___________________________________________________________
1.1 About
WikiShare is a simple wiki including some extra features as a public front page, 
simple file manager, simple user manager, versioning, navigation tool
and ajax search.

The implementation is done in Java 1.5 based on the spring framework and hibernate.
Tested databases are HSQL and MySQL but other databases should work too.

1.2 License
WikiShare is open source. You can use it, modify and use
in non-commercial and commercial projects.

2. Requirements ________________________________________________________________
2.1 Requirements to run WikiShare:
 - JRE 1.5 or higher
 - Web application server as Apache Tomcat, Glasfish etc.
 - Database (MySQL, HSQL are tested)

3. Installation and configuration ______________________________________________
3.1 Installation on Apache Tomcat:
 - Start Apache Tomcat (/opt/tomcat/bin/startup.sh)
 - Deploy the WikiShare.war file on your Apache Tomcat using the Tomcat manager,
   or copy the war file to Tomcat wabapps folder (exp: /opt/tomcat/webapps)
 - Stop Apache Tomcat (/opt/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh)
 - Delete war file, so it will not override your config changes on restart.

3.2 WikiShare configuration:
3.2.1 Configure web.xml:
 - Set db user and password.
 - AuthenticationFilter: Change root password from 'changeme' to secure password.
   - I would recommend to change the salt property value too

3.2.2 Configure WikiShare-servlet.xml:
 - fileDAO bean: set 'filePath' property to the WikiShare files folder.
   Example: /opt/tomcat/wabapps/WikiShare/public/files
 - WIKI_LOG appender: Setup the log file for WikiShare in the File property.
   Log config location /WEB-INF/log4j.xml
   Example: /opt/tomcat/log/wikishare.log

3.3 Database configuration
You can chose between different database types. I prefer HSQL single mode (3.3.1).

3.3.1 HSQL single mode (simplest):
 - Copy /db/hsqldb/data folder to some place on your file system.
 -  /WikiShare/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml : Modify the url path property hibernate.connection.url 

3.3.2 HSQL server:
 - You do not need to install HSQL, it is included in the /db/hsqldb folder.
 - Goto /db/hsqldb/bin
 - Run wikishareStartDB.sh
 - Run hsql-install.sh or hsql-install.bat

3.3.3 MySQL server:
 - Unzip the wikishare-db.zip
 - Goto /db/mysql
 - Run mysql-install-db.sh on linux or mac. On windows run mysql-install-db.bat.

3.3.3 Set WikiShare db connection
 - Uncomment MySQL or HSQL section in WikiSahre/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml

Start tomcat and goto http://localhost:8080/WikiShare