
Create resource group, vnet and K8S cluster in MS Azure.

Primary LanguageHCL

K8S in Azure

It will Create resource group, vnet and K8S cluster in azure. To limit access to cluster API from specific IP edit file "k8s-small.tf" and change "YOUR_IP" to your public IP.

api_server_authorized_ip_ranges = ["YOUR_IP/32/"]

As worker node is used "Standard_B2s"

How to create cluster via terraform

terraform init 
terraform plan
terraform apply

How to destroy cluster

terraform destroy

Infracost details


infracost breakdown --path .


Module path: k8s-small-001

 Name                                                     Monthly Qty  Unit              Monthly Cost (EUR)

 ├─ default_node_pool
 │  ├─ Instance usage (pay as you go, Standard_B2s)               730  hours                         €34.36
 │  └─ os_disk
 │     └─ Storage (P10)                                             1  months                        €21.26
 ├─ Load Balancer
 │  └─ Data processed                                Monthly cost depends on usage: €0.004903285 per GB
 └─ DNS
    └─ Hosted zone                                                  1  months                         €0.49

 Project total (EUR)                                                                                 €56.11

 OVERALL TOTAL (EUR)                                                                                 €56.11