Sift based face recognition from ID cards
- Read train and query images
- Extract sift features
- Calculate boundries using homograpy transform
- find orintation of ID card
- Rotate ID card and warp
- Run dlib face detector
- Crop face regions
- Extract sift features from cropped faces
- Compare faces with Lowe's ratio

sift based recognition and warping

dlib face detection for both train and query image

- Total good matches: 134
- Rotation Angle: -43 degrees
- Number of Faces: 1 (input image)
- Number of Faces: 1 (output image)
- Total good matches: 23
- Matches are found - 10/10
- Faces are similar
Lets change our input image

Detected key points and feature comparision from cropped faces

- Total good matches: 96
- Rotation Angle: -43 degrees
- Number of Faces: 1 (input image)
- Number of Faces: 1 (query image)
- Total good matches: 0
- Matches are found - 1/15
- Faces are not similar