UmBERTo: an Italian Language Model trained with Whole Word Masking.
- adhaamehab@cision
- AleCiocOccupy AI
- AlessioZoccoli
- dA505819Delhi Ncr, India
- debiff
- elans2
- EmanueleGhelfi@aBeautifulMind @PoliCRJava @EmilianoGagliardiEmanueleGhelfi @MultiBeerBandits @zurutech
- federicozanini
- feedmari
- FFrabetti
- fly51flyPRIS
- fquffio@chialab
- frapermxmProgram Manager @musixmatch
- GabrielePisciottaItaly
- GillesJBelgium
- gsartiUniversity of Groningen
- haraballOffenbach am Main, Germany
- hugovasselin@artefactory
- iabdtranslated
- legentzEverywhere
- liuzziFrase AI
- loretoparisi@Musixmatchdev
- lriccardo@reddit
- manueltonneauBerlin, Germany
- myleottNew York, NY
- nichepear
- NicHub-SempriniBologna, Italy | Darmstadt, Germany
- obujorBologna, Italy
- paulthemagno@musixmatch @musixmatchresearch
- ruiantunesAveiro, Portugal
- shoegazerstella@musixmatch @musixmatchresearch
- thomwolf@huggingface
- trsvchn@BIMSBbioinfo @pytorch-ignite
- wincenzo
- xrmxElastic
- zillauser@Musixmatchdev