
Repo for the ionicframework.com site

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Repo for the ionicframework.com site. To preview local Ionic changes, follow the instructions at the Ionic repo.

No Docs Here

Ionic Docs are in a separate repo. This site is primarily used for general communications and promotion of Ionic framework and related products and services.

Local Build

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm start (after the first run, this is the only step needed)

Third Party Libraries

3rd part libraries should be concatenated into the site bundle by adding them via package.json and specifying what files to include in the assets/3rd-party-libs.json file.


Changes to master are automatically deployed to staging.ionicframework.com/. Periodically, the Ionic tean will inspect staging and promote it to ionicframework.com.
