Rails Engine API Project


This project is Ruby on Rails API that exposes mock ecommerce data from a PostgeSQL database. This is my first attempt at building an API. It was a solo project with a 5-day timeline.

The API is deployed on heroku with the base url https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1

See below for availalble endpoints.

Learning Goals

  • Practice Exposing an API
  • Format JSON responses using serializers
  • Ensure compliance with JSON:API specifications
  • Use RSpec to test API endpoints
  • Utilize ActiveRecord to manage data

Local Setup

#clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:musselmanth/rails-engine.git

#navigate into directory
cd rails-engine

#install dependencies
bundle install

#setup database
rails db:{create:migrate:seed}

#start rails server
rails server

#retrive available endpoints using http://localhost:3000/api/v1

Availble Endpoints

Base URL: https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1

get /merchants https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1/merchants

Returns a list of all merchants in the db. Default is 20 per page. Page and number per page can be specified with optional parameters page and per_page. Example: /merchants?per_page=50&page=2

get /merchants/#{id}/items https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1/merchants/6/items

Returns a list of all items belonging to a particular merchant with the provided id.

get /items https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1/items

Returns a list of all items in the db. Default is 20 per page. Page and number per page can be specified with optional parameters page and per_page. Example: /items?per_page=50&page=2

get /items/#{id}/merchant https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1/items/6/merchant

Returns information about the merchant for a particular item with the provided id.

get /items/#{id} https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1/items/6

Returns a single item with the provided id. Sample response:

  "data": {
    "id": "6",
    "type": "item",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Item Provident At",
      "description": "Numquam officiis reprehenderit.",
      "unit_price": 159.25,
      "merchant_id": 1

get /merchants/#{id} https://rails-engine-tm.herokuapp.com/api/v1/merchants/6

Returns a single merchant with provided id. Sample response:

  "data": {
    "id": "6",
    "type": "merchant",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Williamson Group"

post /items

Creates a new item with the provided parameters. Parameters provided in raw JSON could look like:

  "name": "value1",
  "description": "value2",
  "unit_price": 100.99,
  "merchant_id": 14

patch /items/#{id}

Updates an existing item. Any or all attributes can be provided as parameters. For example:

  "description": "value2",
  "unit_price": 100.99,

delete /itmes/#{id}

Deletes an item from the database.

get /items/find?name=#{search_query}

get /items/find?min_price=#{minimum_price}

get /items/find?max_price=#{maximum_price}

Searches for a singe item that matches the provided param query. If multiple items are found the first alphabetically is returned. min_price and max_price can both be provided in order to search within a range.

get /items/find_all?name=#{search_query}

get /items/find_all?min_price=#{minimum_price}

get /items/find_all?max_price=#{maximum_price}

Searches for all items that match the provided param query. min_price and max_price can both be provided in order to search within a range.

get /merchants/find?name=#{search_query}

get /merchants/find_all?name=#{search_query}

Searches for either one or all merchants whose name match the provided search query

Database Schema

DB Schema