
This is a Pomodoro App build using React js and styles using css

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live site URL

Pomodoro Timer App

Welcome to the Pomodoro Timer App, your ultimate productivity companion for managing tasks and boosting your efficiency. This application is meticulously crafted using React.js and styled with CSS, offering a sleek and user-friendly interface. With the power of the Context API, you can effortlessly track your work sessions, short breaks, and long breaks, all while customizing your time intervals and visual preferences.

Key Features

Time Management

  • Take control of your work sessions with the ability to set custom work times, short breaks, and long breaks. Tailor your productivity intervals to suit your preferences and work habits.

Customizable Timer

  • Adjust your timer duration on the fly. Whether you need a shorter burst of focus or a longer work period, our app allows you to modify your timer settings at any time.

Visual Themes

  • Choose from a variety of visual themes to personalize your Pomodoro experience. Select from three unique color schemes to create a workspace that resonates with your style and mood.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Our app's intuitive design ensures a seamless and distraction-free experience. Easily start, pause, and reset your timers with just a few clicks, making it the ideal tool for enhancing your time management skills.

Technologies Used

  • React.js: We've harnessed the power of React.js to create a responsive and dynamic user interface. Its component-based architecture ensures a smooth and interactive user experience.

  • Context API: Our app leverages the Context API for state management, making it easy to share and manage timer settings across different components while providing a seamless user experience.

  • Custom CSS Styling: The app's visual appeal is achieved through customized CSS styling. We've paid attention to the details to ensure a visually pleasing and ergonomic interface.