🚀 Kafka Stream Superstar! 🌟

Introducing my passion project: the Kafka Stream Consumer App 🎉

What's This All About?

Ever wondered how to handle streaming data like a rockstar? This Java application, powered by the amazing Apache Kafka Streams library, does just that! It's all about crunching real-time data, calculating average values, and streaming the results to another Kafka topic. 🎸


To ride the wave with this app, you'll need:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher.
  2. An Apache Kafka cluster revved up and ready to roll. Don't worry; we've got localhost:29092 to get you started. 🚗💨

Ready, Set, Jam!

Follow these steps to unleash the power of the Kafka Stream Consumer:

  1. Git-groove into action by cloning this repo:
git clone https://github.com/mustafa-qamaruddin/java-kafka-streams-playground.git
  1. Get into the rhythm with your favorite Java IDE.

How to Be a Stream Rockstar

Run the main method in the org.qubits.consumer.Consumer class to kickstart this party! 🎵

Our app will jam with the data flowing in from the Kafka topic named movies. It'll crank up the volume by calculating the average value per key (where the key is an Integer, and the value is a Double). Then, we'll send the groovy results to the movies-enriched Kafka topic.

Once the beats are on, there's no stopping until you hit the pause button! 💃

Mix It Up!

You're the DJ of your own experience! Tweak the knobs and turn up the fun by adjusting these properties in the Consumer class:

  • StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG: Name your own show!
  • StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG: The party address of Kafka brokers.
  • StreamsConfig.NUM_STREAM_THREADS_CONFIG: Number of crew members in this show!

Customize to impress and make it uniquely yours! 🎶

License to Thrill

Feeling the freedom to rock? Play it, share it, and go wild with it! 🤘

So, are you ready to tap your foot to the rhythm of Kafka Streams? 🎧 Let's make some noise and get the spotlight on your Kafka Stream superstar skills! 🌟