
Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


http://inspirationhut.net/design-resources/14-free-app-and-web-design-gui-kits/ http://inkydeals.s3.amazonaws.com/Free-Web-Bundle-new.zip https://www.inkydeals.com/deal/free-web-design-bundle-new/?utm_source=www.hongkiat.com&utm_medium=display&utm_content=web-free-bundle-new&utm_campaign=free-design-resources http://www.techandall.com/files/get.php?_=15180552425226beb5cd076 http://pixelbuddha.net/sites/default/files/freebie/freebie-archive-1427792204.zip http://pixelbuddha.net/freebie/free-mobile-ui-kit-elegance-ios http://www.downloadpsd.com/downloads/eCommerce-Mobile-Application-UI-PSD.zip







design links

=================================================================== view port detail of mobile devices

css beautyfier



dialouge box


=================================================================== for grid design


====================================================================== Less grid system


================================================================== image loader http://jonobr1.github.io/stalactite/

=================================================================== div checker http://jona.ca/blog/unclosed-tag-finder

drag and move a div

http://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Responsive-Fluid-Drag-and-Drop-Grid-Layout-with-jQuery-gridstack-js/ http://draggabilly.desandro.com/ http://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Creating-Sortable-Editable-Lists-with-jQuery-jQuery-UI/

//stiky header table and responsive table


==================================================================== floating panel http://www.jqueryscript.net/other/jQuery-Plugin-To-Create-Multifunctional-Floating-Panels-jsPanel.html

for uneven div

drop down menu

crasoul related

http://designscrazed.org/free-responsive-jquery-carousel-slider-plugins/ http://bqworks.com/grid-accordion/#example3/0

==================================================================== mobile menu

transition and transform

for angular js with bootstrap and core

for javascript plugins

mega menu




http://geedmo.github.io/yamm3/# --(for bootstrap)

http://vadikom.github.io/smartmenus/src/demo/bootstrap-navbar.html# --(for bootstrap)


GUI link for mobile

https://www.behance.net/gallery/28795599/10-New-iOS-8-Login-Screen-UI-Designs https://www.behance.net/gallery/22937587/WINTER-UI-KIT-50-Elements-FREE-PSD-DOWNLOAD https://www.behance.net/gallery/29450885/EDDA-UI-Kit

http://graphicriver.net/category/web-elements/user-interfaces?_ga=1.74410066.1768438342.1444715938 https://www.behance.net/gallery/24467815/RATER https://in.pinterest.com/pin/573012752567033105/ https://in.pinterest.com/pin/339529259384360977/ https://ui8.net/product/backpack-app-template https://ui8.net/product/social-points-app-template https://ui8.net/product/flavourite https://ui8.net/product/jewel-ui-kit https://ui8.net/product/luckystore-ui-kit https://ui8.net/product/night-and-travel https://ui8.net/product/ghost-ship-ui-kit http://android.inspired-ui.com/ http://www.iospirations.com http://www.android-app-patterns.com http://abduzeedo.com http://redesigncase.com http://graphicsbay.com http://www.cssauthor.com/mobile-app-ui-psd/ http://thenextweb.com/dd/2012/09/09/check-25-sources-great-mobile-design-inspiration/
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/42/55/3a/42553a534839ecaa94217ac76b7a311d.jpg http://www.mobile-patterns.com/ http://www.awwwards.com/inspirational-and-useful-resources-for-app-designers.html https://www.pinterest.com/pin/502784745873206473/ https://www.pinterest.com/rolangonzalez/web-design/ https://www.behance.net/gallery/24969703/Aware-UI-Kit https://www.behance.net/gallery/23661679/textra-website https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=ios%20app&term_meta[]=ios|typed&term_meta[]=app|typed https://www.pinterest.com/pin/89086898856203147/ https://ui8.net/product/material-ui-kit http://www.cssauthor.com/mobile-app-ui-psd/ http://redesigncase.com/real-estate-material-ui-kit-with-lollipop-style/ http://redesigncase.com/music-app-mobile-ui-for-iphone-6/ http://redesigncase.com/christmas-game-app-psd-for-mobile-ui/ http://redesigncase.com/5-awesome-social-login-screen-for-mobile-ui/ http://redesigncase.com/photo-editor-social-sharing-mobile-ui/ http://redesigncase.com/thanks/?data-source=awesome-flat-mobile-ui-with-42-screens http://redesigncase.com/clean-12-ipad-login-screens/ http://redesigncase.com/4-e-commerce-ui-screen-with-5-different-color-style/ https://www.behance.net/gallery/28749649/FrostApp http://redesigncase.com/real-estate-app-concept/ http://redesigncase.com/lyrics-music-player-ui/ https://www.behance.net/gallery/26486411/Cafegrapp-IOS8-App-Design-Download-Free-PSD https://dribbble.com/shots/2051093-eCommerce-Concept-12-App-Screen http://uisurf.com/downloads/icollection-app-ui-kit/ http://pixelbuddha.net/freebie/free-ui-kit-mobile-ios-ghost-ship http://downloadpsd.com/category/gui/page/2 http://downloadpsd.com/gui/pink-ios-app-interface-design-psd https://in.pinterest.com/pin/236579786652979958/

awesome desing for mobile app http://www.invisionapp.com/now http://ui.logik.io/

header and navigation for mobile app https://in.pinterest.com/pin/317433473707937861/ https://in.pinterest.com/pin/17732992256808982/

//apple watch gui http://www.sketchappsources.com/free-source/1578-apple-watch-ui-kit-sketch-freebie-resource.html

// Collections of web sites https://in.pinterest.com/pin/476044623088522324/ https://www.behance.net/gallery/29220231/EDStore-Fashion-Store-%28Free-PSD%29 http://pixelkit.com/previews/flat-ui-kit http://pixelkit.com/previews/flat-ui-kit https://ui8.net/product/monobrand-ui-kit https://ui8.net/product/luckystore-ui-kit https://ui8.net/product/retro-jam-ui-kit http://inspired-ui.com/ http://pttrns.com/ http://theultralinx.com/category/recent/art-design/graphic-design/ui-screenshots http://iosicongallery.com/ http://www.tappgala.com/ http://www.scoutzie.com/designs http://www.mobiletuxedo.com/category/ui-patterns/ http://pinterest.com/Dedecube/design-inspiration-ipad/ http://www.pinterest.com/shahbaig/iphone-app-design-inspiration/ http://ui.theultralinx.com/


file upload js

http://demo.tutorialzine.com/2013/05/mini-ajax-file-upload-form/ http://www.dropzonejs.com/ http://designscrazed.org/html5-jquery-file-upload-scripts/ http://www.jqueryscript.net/form/Nice-Clean-File-Input-Plugin-With-jQuery-Bootstrap-3-Bootstrap-Fileinput.html http://demos.krajee.com

use this for file upload https://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/

profile pic upload with crop http://rubaxa.github.io/jquery.fileapi/

ONline web tools

http://onlinewebtool.com http://tools.pingdom.com img compresser https://tinypng.com/


mobile component for website

mobile device information http://mydevice.io/devices/ http://www.emirweb.com/ScreenDeviceStatistics.php

======================================================================= alert message

http://alertifyjs.com/ http://fabien-d.github.io/alertify.js/ http://justindomingue.github.io/ohSnap/

====================================================================== blur modal

http://labs.voronianski.com/jquery.avgrund.js/ https://github.com/hakimel/avgrund/

====================================================================== range slider

mobile drawer menu

Browser Hacks

browserhacks.com http://browserhacks.com/#hack-f1070533535a12744a0381a75087a915 https://davidmurdoch.com/2011/05/13/ie9-only-css-hack/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7364891/how-to-define-specific-css-rules-for-ie9-alone

======================================================================= touch dialer


========================================================================= bootstrap plugins

typerhead (search plugin for input)

http://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/ http://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js/examples/

======================================================================= date picker


======================================================================= fancy input http://dropthebit.com/demos/fancy_input/fancyInput.html

======================================================================= maps related


====================================================================== custom checkbox and radio button


long press plugin


======================================================================= sticky js for sticky menu

text wrap

text animation

http://jschr.github.io/textillate/ http://letteringjs.com/ http://tympanus.net/Development/Arctext/ http://demo.tutorialzine.com/2011/09/shuffle-letters-effect-jquery/


responsive text plugin



google wave(matrial alternative) http://fian.my.id/Waves/#examples


scrolling parallex http://joelb.me/scrollpath/

======================================================================= scrollbar plugin


======================================================================= tutorials

cropping pluggin http://www.croppic.net/

======================================================================= icons

for touch support in website for mobile and tablet devices

link for images

http://www.pinterest.com/mollyreinking/beauty/?utm_campaign=recs_141027&utm_term=1&utm_content=434667870224412482&e_t=53f9c176397d440fa7a4e3e874966825&utm_source=31&e_t_s=boards&utm_medium=2004 ###################################################################################################################

Frontend stuff

A continuously expanded list of framework/libraries and tools I used/want to use when building things on the web. Mostly Javascript stuff.

UI Frameworks

  • base - Responsive CSS framework with IE7+ support
  • BASSCSS - Low-level CSS toolkit
  • bootflat - Bootstrap with a flat design theme
  • Bootswatch - A collection of themes for Bootstrap
  • cardinal - Cardinal is a small mobile first CSS framework
  • caramel - A simple, beautiful, responsive, modern CSS framework
  • famo.us - Framework that helps you to create UIs
  • kube - Minimalistic Web framework
  • Material Design Lite - Material Design Lite Components in HTML/CSS/JS
  • materialize - A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design
  • papier - Material design like minimal CSS framework
  • pure - A set of small, responsive CSS modules
  • semantic-ui - UI Kit with lots of themes and elements
  • skeleton - A dead simple, responsive boilerplate.
  • uikit - A lightweight and modular front-end framework
  • mui - A Lightweight HTML/CSS/JS Framework implementing Material Design


  • chartist - Simple responsive charts
  • chartjs - Simple, clean and engaging charts for designers and developers
  • c3 - D3-based reusable chart library
  • dc - For heavy amounts of data
  • dimple - An object-oriented API for business analytics powered by d3
  • D3xter - Straight forward plotting built on D3
  • epoch - A general purpose, real-time visualization library
  • jsplumb - Visual connectivity for webapps (flowcharts, sequence diagrams, etc)
  • metricsgraphics - Optimized for visualizing time-series data
  • morrisjs - SVG charts based on jquery and Raphael
  • nvd3 - Re-usable charts and chart components for d3.js
  • peity - Progressive mini pie, donut, bar and line charts
  • sparkline - Sparkline charts library
  • sparky - Sparkline charts library based on rapahel
  • taucharts - Charts with a focus on design and flexibility
  • timesheet.js - HTML5 & CSS3 time sheets
  • vis.js - A dynamic, browser based visualization library
  • VivaGraph - Extensible graph drawing library


  • Cesium - Library for creating 3D globes and 2D maps in a web browser without a plugin
  • Kartograph - Simple and lightweight framework for building interactive map applications without Google Maps
  • leaflet - Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps
  • leaflet generator - Yeoman generator that scaffolds out a leaflet map application
  • leaflet plugins - Notable Leaflet Plugins
  • leaflet topojson support - TopoJSON-aware Leaflet layer
  • mapsicon - Collection of maps for nearly every country in the world in PNG and SVG
  • osmbuildings - Library for visualizing buildings as pseudo 3D objects on interactive maps
  • openlayers3 - Mapping library that supports different projections
  • planetary - Interactive globes for the web
  • smallworld - A small utility for generating a small world
  • topojson - An extension to GeoJSON that encodes topology
  • turf - A modular geospatial engine


  • Clusterize.js - Vanilla plugin to display large data sets
  • DataTables - jQuery plugin which adds sorting, paging and filtering abilities to plain HTML tables with minimal effort
  • dynatables - Semantic and interactive table plugin using jQuery, HTML5, and JSON
  • handson table - Minimalist Excel-like data grid editor
  • ListJS - Adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to plain HTML lists, tables, or anything
  • sortable - Makes tables sortable



  • Loaders.css - Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations
  • MProgress.js - Google Material Design Progress Linear bar
  • NProgress - Slim progress bars for Ajax'y applications. Inspired by Google, YouTube, and Medium
  • nanobar - Lightweight progress bars without jQuery
  • PleaseWait.js - A simple library to show your users a beautiful splash page while your application loads

UI Elements

  • button concepts - List of CSS button variations
  • countUp.js - Count up or down animation effects for numbers
  • Flipside - A button that seamlessly transitions from action to confirmation with flipping animation
  • Messenger.js - Client-side growl-like notifications with actions and auto-retry.
  • Slideout.js - A touch slideout navigation menu for mobile web apps
  • Sortable.js - Reorderable drag-and-drop lists
  • SweetAlert - An awesome replacement for JavaScript's alert
  • swiper - Slider with touch support
  • Toastr - Simple toast notifications


  • bacon - Wraps text around a Bézier curve or a line
  • bigfoot.js - Responsive popover footnotes
  • dropcap.js - CSS dropcaps
  • flowtype - Responsive typography
  • grande.js - Library that implements features from Medium's editing experience
  • lining.js - A complete DOWN-TO-THE-LINE control for radical web typography
  • lettering - JQuery web typography plugin
  • pen - Editor with markdown support
  • Plumin.js - Create and manipulate fonts using javascript
  • side-comments - Medium style comments
  • slabText - jQuery plugin for producing big, bold & responsive headlines
  • smart underline - Descender-aware underlines for every browser
  • typeahead.js - Foundation for building robust typeaheads
  • Typeplate - A typographic starter kit


  • Fitvid - Responsive videos
  • medialementjs - Video and audio handling
  • Plyr - A simple HTML5 media player with custom controls and WebVTT captions
  • talkie - Combines audio and animations
  • Videojs - Open source HTML5 video player


Canvas and SVG

  • D3 - A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG
  • Easeljs - Library for building canvas based interactive 2D content
  • Fabric.js - Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& Canvas-to-SVG) Parser
  • Paper.js - Canvas based vector graphics scripting framework
  • Paths.js - Generate SVG paths for geometric shapes
  • Raphael - Library that simplify your work with vector graphics on the web
  • svg.js - Library for manipulating and animating SVG


  • fracs - Plugin to determine the visible fractions of HTML elements
  • midnight.js - Make your header looks great with the content below it as you scroll
  • scroll-scope.js - Keep parent element still when scrolling an element to its boundary
  • scrollme - A jQuery plugin for adding simple scrolling effects to web pages
  • ScrollMagic - Library for scroll interactions
  • skrollr - Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile and desktop
  • space.js - A HTML-driven JavaScript-library for narrative 3D-scrolling
  • superscrollorama - The jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation
  • WOW - Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page
  • headroom - Hide your header until you need it:



  • dotjs - Fast templating engine
  • Handlebars - Minimal Templating on Steroids
  • Hogan - JavaScript templating
  • mustache - Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
  • nunjucks - A rich and powerful templating language
  • paperclip.js - Reactive DOM template engine built for speed and extensibility

HTTP Requests

  • aja - Asynchronous JavaScript and JSON(P)
  • fetch - A window.fetch javascript polyfill
  • intercooler-js - Making AJAX as easy as anchor tags
  • reqwest - Browser asynchronous HTTP requests
  • superagent - Client-side HTTP request library





  • ForerunnerDB - Database with mongo-like query language and data-binding support
  • localForage - Library like a localStorage API with fallback store for browsers with no IndexedDB or WebSQL support
  • LokiJS - Embeddable / in-memory database
  • store.js - LocalStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage and userData behavior
  • pouchdb - Created to help developers build applications that work as well offline as they do online
  • taffydb - Brings database features into your JavaScript applications


  • is.js - Micro check library
  • Parsley - Easy Form validation
  • validate.js - Form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter


  • moment.js - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
  • sugar - Parse, create, manipulate, compare, format and display dates
  • datedropper - datedropper is a jQuery plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields.
  • Pikaday - A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS


  • l10ns - Internationalization workflowand formatting
  • globalize - A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data

Numbers & Currencies


  • datalib - Javascript data utility library
  • jstat - Javascript Statistical Library
  • simple-statistics - simple statistics for node & browser javascript

Module Loaders

  • Browserify - Lets you require('modules') in the browser
  • RequireJS - A file and AMD module loader
  • stealjs - Dependency loader and builder
  • Systemjs - ES6, AMD and CommonJS loader
  • webpack - CommonJs and AMD module loader

Lazy Loading

  • Aload - Asynchronously loads images, scripts, styles and more
  • echo - Standalone lazy loading image micro-library
  • layzr.js - Dependency-free library for lazy loading images
  • loadXT - Lazy loading for any elements
  • Unveil - Lightweight plugin to lazy load images for jQuery or Zepto.js
  • echo - Lazy-loading images with data-* attributes


  • rrssb - Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
  • share-button - Fast, beautiful, and painless social shares
  • socialcount - Custom sharing buttons with share count
  • Social Likes - Single-style sharing buttons with counters for jQuery
  • whatsapp button - Creates a whatsapp sharing button


  • embed.js - Automatically embeds emojis, media, maps, tweets, code and services
  • formstone - Collection of handy useful scripts
  • jwerty - Handling of keyboard events
  • keymaster - Simple key listener
  • lodash - Utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras
  • modernizr - Feature Detection Library
  • tether - Marrying UI Elements (dropdown, tooltips, guide, selects)

############################DESIGIN INSIPRATION############################################################ http://nimbletank.com/













byfriday6@gmail.com / byfriday2141

#Tooltip http://qtip2.com/demos tooltip: http://iamceege.github.io/tooltipster/ Web page Bootstrap tour: http://bootstraptour.com/ page Tour: http://zurb.com/playground/jquery-joyride-feature-tour-plugin

#Rating http://jquer.in/random-jquery-plugins-for-superior-websites/raterater/

#25 Best jQuery Notification plugins http://jqueryhouse.com/best-jquery-notification-plugins/

#Boards https://enboard.co/startup/ https://enboard.co/webdesign/ https://enboard.co/frontend/

#Free Resources http://www.site.uplabs.com/ http://freedesignresources.net/ https://ui8.net/ http://www.webdesignrepo.com/