Source Code Package

Video Processing Language for the Raspberry Pi

Calum J. Eadie

Computer Science Tripos, Part II

Girton College

Folder structure

  • app
    • Corresponds to the Implementation chapter. Language, Editor and Capability APIs.
  • deploy
    • Deployment software, for setting up development environment on the Raspberry Pi.
  • research
    • Corresponds to the Preparation chapter. Experiments, tools and annotated source code.
  • tools
    • Supporting scripts.


cd app
# makes sure MacPorts Python version is used rather than Mac version
# to make sure PySide available
../tools/ test/ui/


PySide - LGPL Python binding for Qt

apt-get install python-pyside
port install py-pyside

gdata - includes YouTube Python API

pip install gdata

pyomxplayer - Python bindings for OMXPlayer

git clone
python pyomxplayer/ install

show - Python debugging library

pip install show

nose - Python unit testing framework

pip install nose

pexpect - interprocess communication

pip install pexpect


apt-get install youtube-dl
# Update to make sure up to date with YouTube API
youtube-dl -U