GKE Cluster using Terraform and Jenkins

This repository contains the Terraform code to build GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and Kubernetes components to create services and deployment that configure jenkins for CI/CD which can build and run containers and service loadbalancer.



  • GNU/Linux
  • terraform
  • docker
  • kubernetes

Get the Code

cd GCP-DevOps


├── configure_pod.sh
├── images
│   └── Trello.png
├── kubernetes
│   ├── 1_namespace.yml
│   ├── 2_roles.yml
│   ├── 3_jenkins-service-account.yml
│   ├── 4_role-binding.yml
│   ├── 5_jenkins-service.yml
│   ├── 6_jenkins-deploy.yml
│   └── apply.sh
├── README.md
└── terraform
    ├── apis
    │   ├── main.tf
    │   ├── outputs.tf
    │   └── varibales.tf
    ├── apis.tf
    ├── cluster
    │   ├── cluster.tf
    │   ├── node-pool.tf
    │   ├── outputs.tf
    │   ├── service-account.tf
    │   └── variables.tf
    ├── cluster.tf
    ├── network
    │   ├── firewall.tf
    │   ├── nat.tf
    │   ├── outputs.tf
    │   ├── router.tf
    │   ├── subnets.tf
    │   ├── variables.tf
    │   └── vpc.tf
    ├── network..tf
    ├── prod.tfvars
    ├── provider.tf
    └── variables.tf

⏫ Terraform

  • Provider.tf To configure the provider, project and the backend for the terraform (Bucket).
  • Variables.tf All terraform variables types definiation.
    • Create variables without type to act as type any.
  • prod.tfvars Production variables.
📦 Modules
  1. apis module Enable and disable apis
  • Comopute api.
  • Container api.
  1. network module Configure network on GCP
  • Create VPC.
  • Partation the network using subnets.
  • Create route.
  • Create nat .
  • Configure firewall.
  1. cluster module Configure cluster
  • Create service account .
  • Create Cluster.
  • Create node pool with image type UBUNTU_CONTAINERD (Docker).
cd terraform 
terraform init
terraform terraform workspace new production
terraform plan --var-file=prod.tfvars
terraform apply --var-file=pord.tfvars 

🚢 Kubernetes

  • Starting the naming with number to make files ordered.
  • Create namespace to isolate the components.
  • Create role to enable the jenkins pod to create, list, delete services and deployments.
  • Create service account to be attached in the deployment.
  • Create role bind to bind the role with service account.
  • Create service loadbalancer to create loadbalacer with external ip to access the application.
  • Create deployment that contains:

    • Container with jenkins image with container port 8080.
    • Mount volume to use the Docker of the node.
    • Attach the service account to make pod create deployments and services in the same cluster
    • Execute commands to install docker cli and kubectl after pod started using lifecycle.
    • Create the pod with root privilege.

🔥 Script

Execute all kubernetes files

cd kubernetes