

An advanced encryption system that incorporates a variety of encryption methods for increased security. It will use multiple variables in one given method for increased scrambling and also pseudo random factors to minimize unauthorized cracking.

Existing System:

Encryption has become increasingly widespread in the digital age but all encryption systems have a major flaw: they are made vulnerable very quickly as they become more well known and decryption methods catch up to their advancement. To remove this discrepancy, we will incorporate multiple layers of encryption coupled with random factors to increase encryption reliability.

Problem Statement:

Encryption systems become more and more vulnerable the more widespread and well known they are. Furthermore, both encryption and decryption techniques are constantly advancing which means that encryption systems become outdated at a very rapid pace. This means that unique encryption methods which are consistently redeveloped with more and more advanced techniques are the need of the hour for reliable cyber security.

Proposed Solution:

Application of modern encryption techniques with custom imposed variables to create a unique encryption which would be harder to decode due to randomness and use of layered encryption.

Salient Features:

  • Multiple encryption layers:
    • Caeser cypher.
    • Pig latin.
    • ASCII code manipulation.
    • Psuedo random scrambling.

Tools & Technologies:

  • Programming language: C
  • Operating System: Windows