
This Django-based project provides a basic inventory management system with user authentication and product tracking. Users can register, log in, and manage an inventory of products. The project involves the use of Django's built-in authentication system, models, forms, and views.

Primary LanguagePython

Project README

This Django-based project provides a basic inventory management system with user authentication and product tracking. Users can register, log in, and manage an inventory of products. The project involves the use of Django's built-in authentication system, models, forms, and views.

Table of Contents


  1. User Registration and Authentication:

    • Users can register for an account.
    • Registered users can log in to their accounts.
    • Authentication is enforced for specific views.
  2. Inventory Management:

    • Users can view a list of available inventory items on the home page.
    • Users can delete inventory items that they own or if a special condition is met.
  3. Product Tracking:

    • Users can view detailed information about a specific inventory item, including its associated products.
    • Products are listed based on the number of units available.
  4. History Tracking:

    • Deleted or added inventories and inventory items, and created users are recorded in a history log.
  5. User Profile:

    • Users can view and update their profile information.
  6. User Registration:

    • Custom user registration form is provided.
    • User profiles are automatically created upon registration.
  7. Adding Products:

    • Users can add products to a specific inventory item.
    • Total value of the products is calculated based on the count and price.
  8. Detailed Product View:

    • Users can view detailed information about a specific product.
  9. UI Pages:

    • About: Displays information about the project.
    • Home: Lists available inventory items and allows deletion.
    • Main: Landing page after logging in.
    • View: Displays details of a specific inventory item and its associated products.
    • Profile: Allows users to view and update their profile information.
    • Add Product: Allows users to add products to an inventory item.
    • Product: Displays detailed information about a specific product.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Important Note

Please be aware that this project is currently under development, and not all features may be fully functional at this time. As a result, you may encounter bugs or unexpected behavior while using the system.


  1. Clone the project repository:
git clone https://github.com/mustafaemresahin/inventory-tracker.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd inventory-tracker
  1. Install project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Apply database migrations:
python manage.py migrate
  1. Create a superuser (admin) account:
python manage.py createsuperuser


  1. Start the development server:
python manage.py runserver
  1. Access the admin panel by navigating to http://localhost:8000/admin/ and log in with the superuser account.

  2. Use the provided UI pages to register, log in, manage inventory items, view and update your profile, and add and view products.

Inventory Model

The project uses the Inventory model to represent inventory items. This model has the following fields:

  • author: A foreign key to the User model, representing the author of the inventory item.
  • title: A character field representing the title of the inventory item.
  • description: A character field representing the description of the inventory item.
  • created_at: A datetime field representing the creation timestamp of the inventory item.
  • updated_at: A datetime field representing the last update timestamp of the inventory item.

Product Model

The Product model represents individual products associated with an inventory item. It includes the following fields:

  • description: A text field describing the product.
  • count: An integer field indicating the product count.
  • upc: An integer field representing the product's UPC (Universal Product Code).
  • manufacturer: A character field indicating the product manufacturer.
  • inventory: A character field indicating the associated inventory item.
  • price: A decimal field representing the product price.
  • total: A decimal field representing the total value of the products.
  • picture: An image field for uploading a picture of the product.

History Model

The History model records historical events within the system. It includes the following fields:

  • title: A text field describing the history event.
  • created_at: A datetime field representing the timestamp of the history event.

Profile Model

The Profile model stores user profile information. It includes the following fields:

  • user: A text field representing the username.
  • name: A text field representing the user's name.
  • last: A text field representing the user's last name.
  • email: A text field representing the user's email.
  • password: A text field representing the user's password.


The project includes several forms for user interactions:

  • RegisterForm: A form for user registration, including fields for email, first name, and last name.
  • Create: A form for creating inventory items, including fields for title and description.
  • Add: A form for adding products to an inventory item, including fields for UPC, description, count, manufacturer, price, and picture (optional).


Contributions to this project are welcome. To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
  3. Make your changes and test thoroughly.
  4. Commit your changes with appropriate messages.
  5. Push your changes to your fork.
  6. Submit a pull request to the main repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.