
This repository contains the implementation of a distributed version of the multithreaded incremental entropy algorithm, incorporating interprocess communication using sockets in UNIX. This project was developed as part of my Operating Systems course at the University of Houston.

Primary LanguageC++

Socket-Based Incremental Entropy Calculator (PA2)


This repository contains the implementation of a distributed version of the multithreaded incremental entropy algorithm, incorporating interprocess communication using sockets in UNIX. It's an extension of the first programming assignment, now allowing communication between a client and server program. This project was developed as part of my Operating Systems course at the University of Houston.


The goal is to demonstrate the use of sockets for interprocess communication in a UNIX environment. This involves a client program sending task scheduling information to a server program, which calculates the entropy using the incremental entropy algorithm and returns the results.


  • Client-Server Architecture: Utilizes socket programming for communication between client and server.
  • Multithreading and Multiprocessing: Employs POSIX threads in the client and multiple processes (fork) in the server for handling concurrent requests.
  • Incremental Entropy Calculation: Implements the algorithm for entropy calculation in a distributed environment.

How to Run

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/mustafaemresahin/socket-based-entropy-calculation.git

Then navigate to the repository

cd socket-based-entropy-calculation

Make sure you run the server first and run the client while server is running!

Server Program

  1. Compile the server program:
g++ -o server server.cpp
  1. Run the server specifying a port number:
./server [port_no]

Example: ./server 1234

Client Program

  1. Compile the client program:
g++ -o client client.cpp
  1. Run the client with the server's hostname and port number:

Use localhost as hostname if you are running the client on the same device as the server

./client [hostname] [port_no]

Example: ./client localhost 1234

Input Format

The client program expects input through a file, redirected as standard input. Each line represents the scheduling information of a CPU.


A 2 B 4 C 3 A 7
B 3 A 3 C 3 A 1 B 1 C 1


Both client and server programs perform their tasks silently without STDOUT output. The client program, after processing, displays the entropy values for each CPU.

Example Output:

Task scheduling information: A(2), B(4), C(3), A(7)
Entropy for CPU 1
0.00 0.92 1.53 1.42

Task scheduling information: B(3), A(3), C(3), A(1), B(1), C(1)
Entropy for CPU 2
0.00 1.00 1.58 1.57 1.57 1.58


  • g++ compiler with support for C++11 or later.
  • UNIX environment for sockets and POSIX threads.


Special thanks to Dr. Rincon for the foundational algorithm and for their guidance and support.