NodCMS – A Free CMS powered by CodeIgniter
NodCMS v2.0
After some years I'm developing a public version of NodCMS again.
The new version of NodCMS is under has been released:
- database has totally redesigned
- the ADMIN SIDE theme is totally changed (using a quick customize of bootstrap 4.1.3)
- the FRONTEND SIDE theme is totally changed (using a quick customize of bootstrap 4.1.3)
- Codeigniter version is upgraded to 3.1.10
- created a modular system to add or remove different features
- created a Controller core to manage different type of controllers such as:
- backend: for admin side pages
- frontend: for frontend side pages
- membership: for the pages thad are using only for members
- created a Model core to use database tables as objects instead of writing a method for each query.
- created a Load core to use to manage modular system and load the CSS and JS file in different pages only when they are necessary
- created a library to create and manage forms, and keep them in one style
- created a library to create and manage data table lists and keep theme in one style
- and all over the system has been reviewed and rewritten.
I apologize for the long delay.
What is NodCMS
NodCMS is a free, Multilingual, simple and powerful CMS powered by CodeIgniter.
More information can be found at
Frontend Demo:
Backend Demo: Username: demo Password: demo
You can download it directly as a ZIP file: GitHub Download!
NodCMS have a auto installation, but the installer is not powerful and doesn't work in all version of XAMPPs Make sure the installer will change in the near future.
Manual installation:
For the NodCMS 2.0, there isn't any way to import database manually. So if the installation does not work, please report it as a bug. I'll handle it ASAP.
After install, you can access the admin side on this URL
username: admin
password: you will enter the password during the installation.
Bugs Reports
If you find an issue, let me know here!