
Fullstack Symfony CMS: The perfect mix between a framework and a CMS

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Victoire is a Symfony overlay integrating a Dynamic-CMS that use the core business datas in a dynamic and automated way. It can be setup in any Symfony project in just some few minutes.

The main goal is to give to the final customer the ability to create/edit/delete each content on its website, as much for a static content than a business entity based content and without any development skill, with the minimum of training.

Victoire is the first CMS ever that allows content's personalization! Indeed you can define which content is shown regarding the criterias you define.

Many criterias can be used such as website locale, log in status, and so much more that can be created for each particular project.

A french documentation has been started and is being completed slowly here.


We define a raw roadmap here


Victoire is an open-source, community driven project. We are keen on getting your participation for the development of this product and every help is more than welcome, regardless of your mastering level.

To do so, please have a look at our project management board where all the Victoire's ecosystem (Core & Widgets) is managed.

You can follow the relative questions on StackOverflow.

You can see the list of our lovely contributors.

Victoire and its Widgets are tested with Behat through CircleCI. For further information please take a look at victoire-test-suite.

Frontend contribution

If you want to contribute to Victoire frontend, please read this contribution guideline.

Backend contribution

If you want to contribute to Victoire, please read this contribution guideline.

Install Victoire

To do so, follow the setup guide.

What's inside?

Component Description
AnalyticsBundle This bundle record the user's navigation history
BlogBundle Allow to create and manage one or several blog
BusinessEntityBundle Manage BusinessEntity
BusinessPageBundle Define and manage BusinessPage and BusinessTemplate
CoreBundle Victoire's core
CriteriaBundle Manage Criterias for content's personalization
FilterBundle Allows to filter any list's results
FormBundle Based on MopaBootstrapBundle, it brings some cool form themes
I18nBundle This bundle manage the internationalization system
MediaBundle Based on KunstmaanMediaBundle, it offers a file management interface and a bridge to the widgets
PageBundle One of the most important bundles, it contains all the base page logic
QueryBundle Give the possibility to non technical user to build a query
SeoBundle Using SEO Best practices to reach the best SERP position
SitemapBundle Sitemap related logic
TemplateBundle Contains the pages templates logic (nearly close to PageBundle)
TwigBundle Brings ErrorPage (404, 500, 503 etc) and responsive support
UIBundle Brings Victoire design components with a complete styleguide
UserBundle Extends FosUserBundle, this bundle brings a ready to use system you can override
ViewReferenceBundle Contains the view Reference logic
WidgetBundle Contains all the base widget logic to be able to use Widgets
WidgetMapBundle Each view has a widget map, this bundle contains all the widget maps logic


All the widgets that you can use with a Victoire's website are available on


Victoire uses GitHub issues, feel free to create your own or develop an existing one.

MIT License

License can be found here.