This is a framework for Odoo Mobile With Ionic v 3.x

How to use this Framework

This app is work with Major odoo versions

Before you run the app make sure you have nodejs installed.

Install typecript

$ npm install -g typescript

Install Ionic CLI

$ npm install -g ionic

Install Cordova

$ npm install -g cordova

Clone this repo

$ git clone

cd into the githubionic folder run npm install

$ npm install

NOTE : This app doesn't work in your browser, Please run it in the real device.

Add platforms to your project

$ ionic cordova platform add android/ios

Run the app

$ ionic run android/ios

If you want to see the logs of your app that is running on real device you need to write this URL in your chrome browser. chrome://inspect/devices#devices but make sure that your device is connected to you PC and usb debugging is on in settigs.