
Sample project to emit/handle events using bus package

Primary LanguageGo

Bus Sample Project

This is an example project to demonstrate usage of the bus package for internal package communication. Please note the aim of this sample project to guide on a un-realistic use case.


git clone https://github.com/mustafaturan/bus-sample-project
cd bus-sample-project
go get github.com/mustafaturan/monoton/v3
go get github.com/mustafaturan/bus/v3


Assume that project has order data model and for each order creation and cancellation we want to log order with the time of creation, count how many orders created/cancelled, and also calculate sum of order amounts.

The sample project consist of three seperate consumers which are responsible for printing events, counting the topic events and calculating the sum of amounts.


In the example, it is used the same example configuration from the package readme file.

File: config/config.go

var Bus *bus.Bus

func Init() {
	// configure id generator (it doesn't have to be monoton)
	node := uint64(1)
	initialTime := uint64(0)
	m, err := monoton.New(sequencer.NewMillisecond(), node, initialTime)
	if err != nil {

	// init an id generator
	var idGenerator bus.Next = (*m).Next

	// create a new bus instance
	b, err := bus.NewBus(idGenerator)
	if err != nil {

	// maybe register topics in here
	b.RegisterTopics("order.created", "order.canceled")

	Bus = b

	// ...

Register topics

Assume that we have two topics which are; order.created and order.canceled.

config.Bus.RegisterTopics("order.created", "order.canceled")

Registering handlers

For each consumers, handler functions are registered on their init() functions like in printer/printer.go consumer:

b := config.Bus
h := bus.Handler{Handle: print, Matcher: ".*"}
b.RegisterHandler("printer", h)
fmt.Printf("Registered printer handler...\n")

Emitting events

Events can be emitted on any package. As a sample, four events (two topics) created on main.go file like:

var wg sync.WaitGroup
defer wg.Wait()

// register the event printer handler (synchronous handler)
defer printer.Stop()

// register the event counter handler (asynchronous handler)
defer counter.Stop()

// register the event calculator handler (asynchronous handler)
defer calculator.Stop()

txID := monoton.Next()
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, bus.CtxKeyTxID, txID)

b := config.Bus

for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
	_, err := b.Emit(
		models.Order{Name: fmt.Sprintf("Product #%d", i), Amount: randomAmount()},
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("ERROR >>>>", err)

// if the txID is not available on the context and bus package sets it
ctx = context.Background()
_, err := b.Emit(
	ctx,              // context
	"order.canceled", // topic
	models.Order{Name: "Product #N", Amount: randomAmount()}, // data
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("ERROR >>>>", err)


Execute the program with race condition checks:

go run -race main.go


The execution of the emitting will result similar output:

On load:

Registered printer handler...
Registered counter handler...
Registered calculator handler...

After emitting events:

Event for order.created: {ID:0SVU68UR00010001 TxID:0SVU68UR00000001 Topic:order.created Source: OccurredAt:2021-04-24 01:04:26.831182 -0700 PDT m=+0.001772439 Data:{Name:Product #0 Amount:51}}

Event for order.created: {ID:0SVU68UR00020001 TxID:0SVU68UR00000001 Topic:order.created Source: OccurredAt:2021-04-24 01:04:26.831743 -0700 PDT m=+0.002333823 Data:{Name:Product #1 Amount:97}}

Event for order.created: {ID:0SVU68UR00030001 TxID:0SVU68UR00000001 Topic:order.created Source: OccurredAt:2021-04-24 01:04:26.831813 -0700 PDT m=+0.002404064 Data:{Name:Product #2 Amount:57}}

Event for order.canceled: {ID:0SVU68UR00050001 TxID:0SVU68UR00040001 Topic:order.canceled Source: OccurredAt:2021-04-24 01:04:26.831871 -0700 PDT m=+0.002462153 Data:{Name:Product #N Amount:39}}

Deregistered calculator handler...
Deregistered counter handler...
Deregistered printer handler...
Order total amount 166
Total event count for order.created: 3
Total event count for order.canceled: 1


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Copyright (c) 2020 Mustafa Turan